Asterias forbesi

Ge­o­graphic Range

As­te­r­ias forbesi are com­monly found in in­ter­tidal areas and shal­low wa­ters of the At­lantic Ocean on the North Amer­i­can Coast from the Gulf of Maine to the Gulf of Mex­ico (Dale, 2000; Pf­ef­fer, 1989).


As­te­r­ias forbesi is found in the lit­toral zones of the North Amer­i­can At­lantic. They may be found in abun­dance, but they don't form colonies. They like rocks, boul­ders, and oys­ter/clam/scal­lop/mus­sel beds. Rocks are im­por­tant to help pre­vent wash­ing away and oys­ter beds have plenty of food within range (Moore, 1997).

Phys­i­cal De­scrip­tion

Most A. forbesi range from 7-15 cm in di­am­e­ter. They are tan, brown, or olive with tomes of or­ange, red, or pink. Like all sea stars, A. forbesi have "spiny skin" (a thin layer of skin cov­er­ing spiny os­si­cles) cov­er­ing their skele­ton. The skele­ton is made of plates called os­si­cles and bound by con­nec­tive tis­sue so that they move like flex­i­ble joints. The small spines are sur­rounded at the base by pedi­cel­lar­iae which are lit­tle jaws that keep the body free of de­bris and maybe catch a lit­tle food, too. The spines of A. forbesi are large in di­am­e­ter and are an ob­vi­ous fea­ture of the ex­ter­nal ap­pear­ance. There are lit­tle tufts of skin on the sur­face that serve as gills. The mouth is on the ven­tral (oral) side and the anus is on the dor­sal (ab­o­ral) side. A. forbesi along with the rest of the echin­o­derms are ra­di­ally sym­met­ri­cal. They have five arms that are ca­pa­ble of re­gen­er­at­ing. The ven­tral sides of the sea star's arms are cov­ered with tube feet. These tube feet have suc­tions at the bot­tom that suck in water and chan­nel it to canals that run through the body. There is a small hard spot on the dor­sal sur­face of the body called the madreporite or sieve plate. In A. forbesi, the madreporite is pink in col­ors. The madreporite has pores that allow it to fil­ter the water be­fore it en­ters the sea star's water vas­cu­lar sys­tem. The madreporite feeds into the ring canal in the mid­dle of the sea star. At­tached to the ring canal are ra­dial canals that branch off. Each ra­dial canal runs down an arm. The ra­dial canals are sur­rounded by am­pul­lae and tube feet on each side. Am­pul­lae are the bulbs at the top of the tube feet. (Ama­ral, 2000; Amos and Amos, 1985; Bertin, 1967; Dale, 2000; Fox, 1999; Raven, 1999; Vodopich, 1999).


Sea stars in gen­eral have sep­a­rate sexes. There are go­nads in each arm on the ven­tral side. There is ex­ter­nal fer­til­iza­tion be­cause sperm and eggs are shed into the water. Fe­males can re­lease up to 2.5 mil­lion eggs. When one fe­male sheds her eggs, other fe­males in the area are stim­u­lated to shed their eggs and then males are stim­u­lated to shed their milt. The eggs de­velop into bip­in­naria lar­vae, which lasts for about 3 weeks be­fore set­tling and meta­mor­phos­ing. The lar­vae are free-swim­ming and bi­lat­er­ally sym­met­ri­cal. They de­velop into ses­sile ra­dial adults (Bertin, 1967; Raven, 1999).


A. forbesi can move at a rate of 15-20 cm per minute in un­threat­ened ocean water, but when under at­tack, can speed up to 25-35 cm per minute. Sea stars move via their water vas­cu­lar sys­tem by chang­ing the water pres­sure and mov­ing the tube feet. A. forbesi re­lies heav­ily on chemore­cep­tion to ori­ent them­selves and get around. A. forbesi re­sponds to chemosen­sory stim­uli and can lo­cate the source of odors. They use dif­fer­ent ori­en­ta­tion paths for dif­fer­ent odors. When there is prey around, A. forbesi walks faster and at more di­rect an­gles to the food. If a sea star is turned on its back, it turns one arm so that it grips the ground sur­face with its tube feet. The arm turns until the body has com­pleted a slow som­er­sault into its nor­mal po­si­tion. Sea stars do not move like wheels. They move in straight lines with one arm in ad­vance when they are mov­ing their fastest. Dur­ing times of great wave ac­tion in shal­low water, sea stars cling to rocks, flat­ten­ing them­selves against the rocks with all the power their tube feet can exert (Bertin, 1967; Dale, 2000; Grz­imek, 1972).

Food Habits

Sea stars are car­niv­o­rous and like to eat other in­ver­te­brates, ma­rine worms, crus­taceans, gas­tropods, sea urchins, and mol­lus­can bi­valves like mus­sels, clams, and oys­ters. A. forbesi feeds chiefly on bi­valve mol­luscs. They grasp the mol­lusk and use their tube feet to suc­tion and pull the shells apart enough to ex­tend their stom­achs out through their mouth into the mol­lusk. Di­ges­tion (via pos­si­ble toxic juices) oc­curs in­side the shell, turn­ing the mol­lusk into liq­uid that is guided into the sea star's mouth by the cilia on its arms. The sea star will win in the bat­tle against the bi­valve due to mus­cle en­durance and its abil­ity to in­sert its stom­ach through thin open­ings (Ama­ral, 2000; Amos and Amos 1985; Bertin, 1967; Dale, 2000; Pf­ef­fer, 1989).

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Pos­i­tive

An­other species of starfish in the genus Pisas­ter is a key­stone preda­tor in the rocky in­ter­tidal zone off the Pa­cific Coast. It main­tained di­ver­sity in the tidal re­gion by keep­ing the strongly com­pet­i­tive bi­valves at a low enough pop­u­la­tion level that they could not mo­nop­o­lize all the re­sources and form a mono­cul­ture. Al­though not stud­ied, it is con­ceiv­able that A. forbesi plays a sim­i­lar role on the At­lantic and Gulf Coast. (Raven and John­son 1999)

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Neg­a­tive

As­te­r­ias forbesi can get into mol­lusk beds and com­pete with the farm­ers and fish­er­men for food. If there is an over­pop­u­la­tion of sea stars, they are hard to get rid of be­cause if they break, they will re­gen­er­ate, and then there will be many more.

Con­ser­va­tion Sta­tus

As­te­r­ias forbesi is doing fine. Cur­rently, there is no spe­cial need to save the starfish. The pop­u­la­tion is thriv­ing with­out human help.

Other Com­ments

Sea stars aren't highly preyed upon due to their tough, non-nu­tri­tious cal­ci­fied skin. There are some kinds of crus­taceans and fish that will eat them, though. A. forbesi is also known as Forbes' Sea Star and as the com­mon sea star. It is one of the most com­mon starfish species on the North Amer­i­can At­lantic coast (Dale, 2000).

Sea stars can com­pletely re­gen­er­ate as long as they have one fifth of the cen­tral disk and one arm. There is one eye­spot at the end of each arm.


Kim Chau (au­thor), South­west­ern Uni­ver­sity, Stephanie Fab­ri­tius (ed­i­tor), South­west­ern Uni­ver­sity.


Atlantic Ocean

the body of water between Africa, Europe, the southern ocean (above 60 degrees south latitude), and the western hemisphere. It is the second largest ocean in the world after the Pacific Ocean.

World Map


the nearshore aquatic habitats near a coast, or shoreline.


animals which must use heat acquired from the environment and behavioral adaptations to regulate body temperature

native range

the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.


Ama­ral, K. 2/1/95. "Sea stars" (On-line). Ac­cessed Feb­ru­ary 19, 2000 at http://​www.​umassd.​edu/​Public/​People/​Kamaral/​thesis/​SeaStar.​html.

Amos, W., S. Amos. 1985. The Audubon So­ci­ety Na­ture Guides: At­lantic and Gulf Coasts. New York: Al­fred A. Knopf.

Bertin, L. 1967. The Larousse En­cy­clo­pe­dia of An­i­mal Life. Verona: Mc­Graw-Hill.

Dale, J. 01/26/2000. "Madreporite Nexus" (On-line). Ac­cessed Feb­ru­ary 20, 2000 at http://​www.​vsf.​cape.​com/​~jdale/.

Fox, R. 04/04/99. "As­te­r­ias" (On-line). Ac­cessed Feb­ru­ary 28, 2000 at http://​www.​science.​lander.​edu/​rsfox/​asterias.​html.

Grz­imek, B. 1972. Grz­imek's An­i­mal Life En­cy­clo­pe­dia, Vol­ume 3: Mol­lusks and Echin­o­derms. New York: Van Nos­trand Rein­hold Com­pany.

Moore, P., D. Lep­per. June 1997. Role of chem­i­cal sig­nals in the ori­en­ta­tion be­hav­ior of the sea star As­te­r­ias forbesi. Bi­o­log­i­cal Bul­letin, 192: 410-417.

Pf­ef­fer, P. 1989. Preda­tors and Pre­da­tion: The Strug­gle for Life in the An­i­mal World. New York: Facts On File.

Raven, P., G. John­son. 1999. Bi­ol­ogy (5th ed.). Boston: Mc­Graw-Hill.

Vodopich, D., R. Moore. 1999. Bi­ol­ogy Lab­o­ra­tory Man­ual (5th ed.). Boston: Mc­Graw-Hill.