Alligator mississippiensisAlligator, Gator, American alligator, Florida alligator, Mississippi alligator, Louisiana alligator.

Ge­o­graphic Range

Al­li­ga­tor mis­sis­sip­pi­en­sis is a croc­o­dil­ian na­tive to North Amer­ica and is the croc­o­dil­ian with the north­ern­most dis­tri­b­u­tion world­wide. These crea­tures are found as far north as the tidal re­gions in North Car­olina (35 de­grees N lat­i­tude), to as far south as every county in Florida, and as far west as cen­tral Texas. Other states where the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor can be found are South Car­olina, Geor­gia, Al­abama, Mis­sis­sippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Ok­la­homa. In some cases, for­merly cap­tive Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors have been re­leased into states out­side of their ge­o­graphic range. A few ex­am­ples of these non-na­tive states are Cal­i­for­nia, New Jer­sey, and Vir­ginia. How­ever, their ex­is­tence is short-lived. (Ouch­ley, 2013)


Al­though some­times found in brack­ish water set­tings, the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is most com­monly found in fresh­wa­ter en­vi­ron­ments of the tem­per­ate re­gion due to its low tol­er­ance for salt. The most com­mon areas to ob­serve the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor are in marshes, swamps, rivers, ponds, and la­goons. The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor has also been known to oc­cupy man-made water struc­tures such as swim­ming pools, fish­ponds, and dammed lakes in urban and sub­ur­ban areas.

An al­li­ga­tor can make a struc­ture known as a gator hole in the ground. These holes are made by the al­li­ga­tor using its snout and tail to bur­row into the mud or soil until a suit­able space is cre­ated. This gator hole is cre­ated as a safe haven against drought and ir­reg­u­lar weather pat­terns.

Al­though the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is some­times seen on land, it is pri­mar­ily an aquatic crea­ture. There are two main fac­tors that con­tribute to habi­tat in­cli­na­tion for the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor. The first fac­tor de­pends on the sex of the al­li­ga­tor be­cause the fe­male is more in­ter­ested in pro­tect­ing her young than the male. A male al­li­ga­tor spends the ma­jor­ity of his time in open wa­ters, while the fe­male only ven­tures into open water dur­ing mat­ing sea­son. The sec­ond fac­tor is based on size. The smaller the al­li­ga­tor, the more likely it is to be found in wet­lands, where it uses the plant life as a means of pro­tec­tion from preda­tors. Whereas the larger the al­li­ga­tor, the more likely it is to be found in open wa­ters. (Bartlett and Bartlett, 2006; Camp­bell and Maz­zotti, 2004; Neill, 1971)

Phys­i­cal De­scrip­tion

As a hatch­ling, an al­li­ga­tor is typ­i­cally 22.9 cm long. Until it is 91.4 cm long, both a male and fe­male al­li­ga­tor will grow at sim­i­lar rates. How­ever, once this length is at­tained, a fe­male will con­tinue to grow at a slower rate than a male. Con­se­quently, as a char­ac­ter­is­tic of sex­ual di­mor­phism, a male adult al­li­ga­tor is larger than a fe­male al­li­ga­tor. A male al­li­ga­tor has an ex­po­nen­tial growth rate until it is 20 years of age. By this time a male al­li­ga­tor is ap­prox­i­mately 350.5 cm. In the fe­male, after 20 years, lengths av­er­age 256.5 cm. A fe­male is pre­dicted to have stopped grow­ing at age 45 with a length of 274.3 cm. It is es­ti­mated that a male al­li­ga­tor stops grow­ing at a length of 365.8 cm. The tail of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor ac­counts for half of its over­all body length. The weight of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor de­pends on habi­tat, what food is avail­able, and sex, but the av­er­age weight is 150 kg. In the United States the largest recorded al­li­ga­tor was found in 1998 in Jack­son County, Texas at 436.9 cm and weigh­ing 408.23 kg.

The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is the dark­est al­li­ga­tor in the croc­o­dil­ian fam­ily. As a ju­ve­nile, the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is black with yel­low cross bands. As an adult, the yel­low color fades and the al­li­ga­tor is an olive black color.

The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is the largest rep­tile in the United States. While it is quite large, its limbs are rel­a­tively short and thick to help it swim. An­other dis­tin­guish­ing fea­ture of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is its jaw struc­ture and over­all shape of the ros­trum. As com­pared to the pointed shape of the croc­o­dile snout, the snout of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is round. Be­cause the upper jaw is larger than the lower jaw, when an al­li­ga­tor closes its mouth, no teeth are vis­i­ble, as com­pared to the vis­i­bil­ity of teeth when a croc­o­dile has a closed mouth. The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is a ho­mod­ont and has ap­prox­i­mately 80 teeth of all the same size, but be­cause the teeth break, get worn down, or fall out, the teeth are re­placed rapidly through­out its life­time. (Bartlett and Bartlett, 2006; Brunell, et al., 2013; Car­pen­ter and Lind­sey, 1980; Er­ick­son, 1996; Neill, 1971)

  • Sexual Dimorphism
  • male larger
  • Range mass
    91 to 360 kg
    200.44 to 792.95 lb
  • Average mass
    150 kg
    330.40 lb
  • Range length
    257 to 437 cm
    101.18 to 172.05 in
  • Average length
    350 cm
    137.80 in
  • Average basal metabolic rate
    0.1539 W


The sex of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is tem­per­a­ture-de­ter­mi­nant. The sen­si­tive tem­per­a­ture in­ter­val for sex de­ter­mi­na­tion is 25 to 30 days after the eggs have been laid. A fe­male hatch­ling is formed when the in­cu­ba­tion tem­per­a­ture is 31 de­grees C or below. A male is formed when the in­cu­ba­tion tem­per­a­ture is 33 de­grees C or higher. At 32 de­grees C an even ratio of male and fe­male hatch­lings are pro­duced.

After the egg is laid, it takes ap­prox­i­mately two months for it to hatch. The egg is an ovoid shape with the al­li­ga­tor wrapped in­side. To help the al­li­ga­tor emerge when it hatches, it has an egg tooth to help break through the shell. At the time of hatch­ing, the al­li­ga­tor is ap­prox­i­mately 20.3 cm in length. Dur­ing the first few days post-hatch­ing, the al­li­ga­tor uses the un­ab­sorbed egg yolk in­side its belly as nour­ish­ment. A scar might be vis­i­ble on its un­der­side where the egg mem­branes were at­tached. By the time the hatch­ling is about three months old, it goes into the water for win­ter re­treat and the scar dis­ap­pears. A baby al­li­ga­tor is white when it hatches and later de­vel­ops the dark green-brown­ish adult col­oration

Not all eggs will make it to hatch­ing be­cause of fire, floods, and moth­ers crush­ing them. Neill (1971) re­ported, out of 35 hatch­lings, only four would reach adult­hood. An al­li­ga­tor that does sur­vive will con­tinue to grow in length until it reaches a length of 1.83 me­ters. This takes be­tween 10-20 years, which has a di­rect cor­re­la­tion with sex­ual ma­tu­rity. It has a de­ter­mi­nate growth sys­tem, mean­ing after a cer­tain age, it even­tu­ally stops grow­ing.

When an al­li­ga­tor is less than 0.9 me­ters long it is pos­si­ble to look for ex­ter­nal gen­i­talia to de­ter­mine the sex. Rel­a­tive to age, a larger al­li­ga­tor usu­ally in­di­cates a male and a smaller al­li­ga­tor in­di­cates a fe­male. (Fer­gu­son and Joa­nen, 1983; Neill, 1971; Wood­ward, et al., 2011)

  • Development - Life Cycle
  • temperature sex determination


The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is a polyan­drous an­i­mal, mean­ing one male al­li­ga­tor can mate with sev­eral fe­males. How­ever, one male usu­ally mates with just one fe­male per breed­ing sea­son. Each sea­son, a male will breed with a dif­fer­ent fe­male. A male al­li­ga­tor will con­front other al­li­ga­tors over its spaces be­cause it feels a threat for space preser­va­tion. Ac­cord­ing the Neill (1971), when one male al­li­ga­tor con­fronts an­other male al­li­ga­tor, the con­fronta­tion has a spe­cific process it fol­lows. Each al­li­ga­tor opens its mouth wide, lunges its body up­ward, and at­tempts to be louder than the other. At this time, a hiss­ing sound is pro­duced in­stead of a bel­low. Once the eggs have been laid, both sexes bel­low, some­times in a choral cir­cle, to claim ter­ri­tory among other al­li­ga­tors in the area.

The search for find­ing a po­ten­tial mate starts in the spring. Both the male and fe­male al­li­ga­tors par­tic­i­pate in this process. This process can be time-con­sum­ing be­cause each al­li­ga­tor has to find a mate that is fit­ting for its size, age, and readi­ness to mate. In both sexes, a trail is made by the ex­cre­tions from the anal glands. This trail of courtship pheromones makes it eas­ier for an al­li­ga­tor to find a po­ten­tial mate.

After the pheromone trail is laid down, the male be­gins bel­low­ing, as a method to min­i­mize crowd­ing by males in the area. While a fe­male al­li­ga­tor con­cen­trates ac­tiv­ity where her nest is lo­cated, the male al­li­ga­tor seeks an area where he can mate. Every year, the adult al­li­ga­tor will mate and nest in the same gen­eral areas. The main change that oc­curs in spa­tial dis­tri­b­u­tion is with a fe­male al­li­ga­tor that pro­tects her nest­ing area from the pre­vi­ous year, which may oc­ca­sion­ally in­crease in area. (Mason and Rock­well Parker, 2010; Neill, 1971)

Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors re­pro­duce sex­u­ally, with in­ter­nal fer­til­iza­tion. Be­cause al­li­ga­tors are oviparous, after fer­til­iza­tion takes place, the fe­male al­li­ga­tors lays eggs. Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors are sea­sonal breed­ers and breed once each year. The breed­ing sea­son starts in April and lasts through­out June. Eggs typ­i­cally hatch within 60 days.

Al­li­ga­tors can pro­duce 2-58 off­spring at a time. Be­cause they are iteroparous, the eggs are pro­duced in more than one clutch. The av­er­age num­ber of eggs pro­duced is 39 per clutch. Eggs are laid at night which can last an hour in du­ra­tion. The eggs are gen­er­ally the size of a goose egg, which av­er­age 4 cm in length and 17.78 cm in di­am­e­ter, and are white and translu­cent. The clutch of eggs is all laid at one time with the amount of eggs that are pro­duced pos­i­tively cor­re­lat­ing to the size of fe­male al­li­ga­tors. The eggs in­cu­bate in a nest for a pe­riod of 65 to 70 days. Dur­ing this time, fe­male al­li­ga­tors don’t stay di­rectly on the nest the whole time. In­stead, they stay close by to try and fend off any rac­coons, Pro­cyon lotor, or other preda­tors. After the eggs are hatched, the av­er­age birth mass of the hatch­lings is 65 g. While they are grow­ing and de­vel­op­ing, they usu­ally spend the first year of their lives with the moth­ers, and then they be­come in­de­pen­dent. Sex­ual ma­tu­rity is not mea­sured by years in Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors, but rather by reach­ing a length of 1.83 me­ters. It usu­ally takes fe­males 10 to 20 years to reach this length and males 10 to 18 years. Age at sex­ual ma­tu­rity is in­flu­enced by growth fac­tors, such as habi­tat, food avail­abil­ity, and ge­o­graphic range. (Er­ick­son, et al., 2003; Lance, 1989; Neill, 1971; Ouch­ley, 2013)

  • Breeding interval
    American alligators breed once yearly.
  • Breeding season
    American alligators start courting in April. Mating season continues until the eggs are laid in early June. The eggs typically hatch 60 days after they are laid.
  • Range number of offspring
    2 to 58
  • Average number of offspring
  • Average time to independence
    1 years
  • Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
    10 to 20 years
  • Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
    10 to 18 years

The fe­male Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is the only par­ent that ex­hibits parental care to off­spring. The male doesn’t in­vest any time or ef­fort, but he may stay near the nest. The fe­male is pro­tec­tive of her new hatch­lings from the pre-hatch­ling stage up until the pre-wean­ing stage, which usu­ally lasts a year after the eggs have hatched.

The fe­male al­li­ga­tor starts build­ing her nest in early sum­mer. She se­lects an area that al­ready has de­bris, leaves, mud, and veg­e­ta­tion. The veg­e­ta­tion and other plant ma­te­ri­als, which are used for shade, are formed to make a nest that is 3-5 me­ters from the water’s edge. The fe­male builds the nest using her tail and doesn’t gather any­thing using her mouth. If the ma­te­r­ial is not within 4.6 me­ters away she doesn’t re­trieve it; in­stead she uses what is im­me­di­ately avail­able in the lo­ca­tion.

After the eggs are laid, the fe­male cov­ers the nest so it is shel­tered from the en­vi­ron­ment. She doesn’t sit di­rectly on top of her nest due to the po­ten­tial of crush­ing the eggs. In­stead, she will re­main within 3 me­ters of the nest. The only time a fe­male might stray form the nest is when pre­da­tion pres­sure is high. If she leaves to avoid pre­da­tion, her nest is vul­ner­a­ble.

Be­cause the eggs are tem­per­a­ture-sen­si­tive, the fe­male al­li­ga­tor will en­sure the nest is near a damp area that is close to a water source and will dampen the nest as nec­es­sary.

The fe­male al­li­ga­tor can leave her hatch­lings while they are still in the eggs if food be­comes an im­me­di­ate ne­ces­sity for her, or if the nest is no longer iden­ti­fi­able to preda­tors. If she stays past this pe­riod, she doesn’t stay with her young for more than a year, at which time they be­come in­de­pen­dent. (Hunt and Watan­abe, 1982; Neill, 1971)

  • Parental Investment
  • female parental care
  • pre-hatching/birth
    • protecting
      • female
  • pre-weaning/fledging
    • protecting
      • female


It is es­ti­mated that an Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor can typ­i­cally live 20-30 years in the wild, whereas in cap­tiv­ity, it can live ap­prox­i­mately 50 years. The longest recorded time for an al­li­ga­tor liv­ing in the wild was 56 years, and longest lifes­pan recorded in cap­tiv­ity was 73.1 years. (Cas­pari and Rob­bins, 2003; Potts, 1998)


Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors are so­cial an­i­mals, and live in groups. The hatch­lings are more so­cial than the adults. The new hatch­lings tend to stay to­gether be­cause close­ness is a ben­e­fi­cial de­fense against po­ten­tial preda­tors; there is safety in num­bers. Adult al­li­ga­tors tend to in­habit smaller, close-knit groups, rather than large so­cial cir­cles. Their ac­tiv­i­ties take place di­ur­nally and sea­son­ally, being most ac­tive in the spring. As ec­totherms, Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors bask in the early morn­ing. In early spring, bask­ing con­tin­ues longer into the day than dur­ing the sum­mer months, when bask­ing oc­curs ear­lier in the morn­ing and later in the af­ter­noon. Due to win­ter’s tem­per­a­ture lim­i­ta­tions, bask­ing oc­curs through­out the whole day.

These al­li­ga­tors are ter­ri­to­r­ial, motile an­i­mals. Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors are fos­so­r­ial and make holes in the ground to live in dur­ing ex­treme con­di­tions. These holes can be very large and act as a bar­rier of pro­tec­tion in times of ex­treme cold or hot tem­per­a­tures or ir­reg­u­lar weather pat­terns, such as droughts and trop­i­cal storms.

Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors are nata­to­r­ial. How­ever, when these crea­tures walk on land, they ex­hibit a move­ment called a high walk. This be­hav­ior in­cludes walk­ing on all fours, in a very slow mo­tion with their tail drag­ging the ground. This is a low en­ergy form of mo­bil­ity. (Gar­rick, et al., 1978; Neill, 1971; Ouch­ley, 2013; Wil­ley, et al., 2003)

  • Range territory size
    409000 to 689000 m^2

Home Range

Male al­li­ga­tors in­habit larger areas than fe­male al­li­ga­tors. The av­er­age home range for fe­male al­li­ga­tors is 40,900 m^2, while the home range of male al­li­ga­tors is 68,900 m^2. The al­li­ga­tors de­fend this en­tire home range as their ter­ri­tory. (Lewis, et al., 2014)

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Per­cep­tion

The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor can com­mu­ni­cate using air­borne and wa­ter­borne fre­quen­cies. One hun­dred Hz to 2,000 Hz is the fre­quency range an al­li­ga­tor can re­spond to in water, with 800 Hz as the peak sen­si­tiv­ity point. One hun­dred Hz to 8,000 Hz is the fre­quency range an al­li­ga­tor is able to re­spond to in air, with 1,000 Hz as the peak sen­si­tiv­ity point. Also dur­ing mat­ing sea­son, the male Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor makes a low pitch fre­quency bel­low type sound by suck­ing in air be­cause it has no vocal cords to at­tract po­ten­tial mates. This bel­low­ing can have var­ied du­ra­tion, but it is usu­ally loud and deep in tone to ward off any other males in the area.

The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is known to be a vocal crea­ture through­out its life­time. Even al­li­ga­tor hatch­lings make high pitched screech­ing noises as a dis­tress call. These calls have a fre­quency of as high as 1KHz to as low as 50 Hz. As these sig­nals are heard, any adult al­li­ga­tor in the area will come to the scene to make sure the ju­ve­niles are safe.

It is more dif­fi­cult for the al­li­ga­tor to com­mu­ni­cate through wa­ter­borne sig­nals. To com­mu­ni­cate in water, an al­li­ga­tor com­mu­ni­cates by slap­ping the water. Dur­ing mat­ing sea­son, the male al­li­ga­tor does a head slap on the water to send sig­nals out to the fe­male al­li­ga­tor. Be­cause sound trav­els faster in water, the head slap tech­nique can allow long-dis­tance com­mu­ni­ca­tion. In­frared vi­bra­tions are more dif­fi­cult to per­ceive than other wa­ter­borne sig­nals. As a re­sult, the head slap is com­bined with the in­frared sig­nals for eas­ier recog­ni­tion. The in­frared sig­nals are used to de­tect size and strength of an an­i­mal in de­tec­tion, whereas the slap is used to per­ceive where ex­actly the an­i­mal is lo­cated.

In­tegu­men­tary sense or­gans (ISO) are fea­tures of an al­li­ga­tor to help it per­ceive its en­vi­ron­ment. These ISOs can be found in the jaws or scales of the al­li­ga­tor. The ISOs help the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor sense move­ments in the water, tell it when prey is in con­tact with the teeth, and help iden­tify what item it has in its jaw at a cer­tain time. An al­li­ga­tor's eyes are lo­cated on the side of its head to help it per­ceive its en­vi­ron­ment. As it swims through the water its eyes are al­ways above the water sur­face to also aid in the process of per­cep­tion of sur­round­ings. (Dinets, 2013a; Dinets, 2013b; Higgs, et al., 2002; Leitch, 2012; Riede, et al., 2011)

Food Habits

The diet of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is var­ied. Two main fac­tors that con­tribute to the food habits of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor are its size and stage of de­vel­op­ment. The big­ger the al­li­ga­tor, the more it can eat in terms of vol­ume and the big­ger an­i­mals it can eat. Even in the adult stage, size of the adult af­fects what they eat; larger adults con­sume larger prey in greater vol­ume. From neonate to ju­ve­nile to adult, the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor grows in size, but the dis­tal limbs ac­tu­ally de­crease in terms of rel­a­tive size. This po­ten­tially forces the al­li­ga­tor to spend al­most all of its time in the water, where in turn it will con­sume more aquatic an­i­mals. Dur­ing the ju­ve­nile life stage, an al­li­ga­tor eats mostly small fish, in­sects, and in­ver­te­brates. As the al­li­ga­tor ma­tures, it starts to eat larger mam­mals. As an adult, an al­li­ga­tor can also eat rep­tiles and birds.

The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is clas­si­fied as a gen­er­al­ist car­ni­vore. Saalfeld et al.(2011) con­ducted a diet study in Texas, and found that in­ver­te­brates com­prise 15.7-34.6% of the al­li­ga­tors’ diets, while am­phib­ians and rep­tiles made up 11.9-26%, and mam­mals 2-11.4%. The re­main­der of the diet in­cluded birds and fish (0-11.3%). A few ex­am­ples of an­i­mals con­sumed are Mi­cropterus salmoides (large­mouth bass), Lep­isos­teus oc­u­la­tus (spot­ted gar), Mar­gar­i­tifera mar­gar­i­tifera (fresh­wa­ter pearl mus­sel), Hyla cinerea (green tree frog), Ki­nos­ter­non flavescens (yel­low mud tur­tle), Agk­istrodon pis­civorus (water moc­casin), Gallinula chloro­pus (com­mon moorhen), and Sus scrofa (feral hog).

If an al­li­ga­tor's pri­mary food re­source is not avail­able, it will some­times feed on car­rion and non-prey items such as rocks and ar­ti­fi­cial ob­jects, like bot­tle caps. These items help the al­li­ga­tor in the process of di­ges­tion by crush­ing up the meat and bones of an­i­mals, es­pe­cially an­i­mals with shells. (Ker­foot, et al., 2014; Lut­ter­schmidt and Wasko, 2006; Ouch­ley, 2013; Saalfeld, et al., 2011)

  • Primary Diet
  • carnivore
    • eats terrestrial vertebrates
  • Animal Foods
  • birds
  • mammals
  • amphibians
  • reptiles
  • fish
  • carrion
  • mollusks


Many an­i­mals are preda­tors of Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor eggs and hatch­lings. The dom­i­nant egg preda­tors are rac­coons Pro­cyon lotor, which are found through­out the range of the al­li­ga­tors. There are also many nest preda­tors, in­clud­ing black bears Ursus amer­i­canus, Vir­ginia opos­sums Didel­phis vir­gini­ana, river ot­ters Lon­tra canaden­sis, feral hog Sus scrofa, and Amer­i­can crows Corvus brachyrhyn­chos. Birds, such as great blue herons Ardea hero­dias, are also preda­tors to young al­li­ga­tors along with larger Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors. Hu­mans, Homo sapi­ens, also have a sub­stan­tial im­pact on Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors, killing them in­ten­tion­ally and un­in­ten­tion­ally.

Al­li­ga­tor skin is used as a pro­tec­tive mech­a­nism against preda­tors. It is thick and has bony scutes called os­teo­derms un­der­neath the skin. These scutes are sim­i­lar to bone, pro­vid­ing a tough bar­rier on the skin to help when de­fend­ing from preda­tors. (Chen, et al., 2013; Ouch­ley, 2013)

  • Anti-predator Adaptations
  • cryptic

Ecosys­tem Roles

The Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor is a host for the ec­topar­a­site, the sea tur­tle bar­na­cle Ch­e­lonibia tes­tu­di­naria. The at­tach­ment formed be­tween the hard­ened ker­a­tinized por­tions of the os­teo­derms of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor and the sea tur­tle bar­na­cle Ch­e­lonibia tes­tu­di­naria is the first time suc­cess­ful at­tach­ment was made using this method. Ni­fong and Frick (2011) re­port that this is an in­fre­quent ec­topar­a­sitic re­la­tion­ship known be­cause only two cases have been doc­u­mented.

Two en­dopar­a­sites of the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tor are root-knot ne­ma­todes, Meloidog­yne incog­nita, and pen­tas­to­mids, Se­bekia mis­sis­sip­pi­en­sis. Fresh­wa­ter leeches, Mac­rob­della dec­ora, and Amer­i­can dog ticks, Der­ma­cen­tor vari­abilis, are other known ec­topar­a­sites. Ac­cord­ing to Ni­fong and Frick (2011), the ec­topar­a­sites can harm the eardrum, cloaca, and epi­der­mis. They cause dam­age to these parts by act­ing as a haven for harm­ful bac­te­ria and caus­ing de­struc­tion to the blood cap­il­lar­ies. (Ni­fong and Frick, 2011)

Com­men­sal/Par­a­sitic Species

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Pos­i­tive

Hu­mans (Homo sapi­ens) hunt al­li­ga­tors for meat, skin, and teeth. The meat is eaten, the skin is mostly used for man­u­fac­tur­ing pur­poses, such as mak­ing boots or jack­ets, and the teeth are used to make jew­elry, but­tons, and cane han­dles. The oils of rel­a­tives in the order Croc­o­dilia are also used as an­timi­cro­bial or anti-in­flam­ma­tory to help cure skin al­i­ments through the use of fatty acids pro­duced by these an­i­mals. Al­li­ga­tors are also a tourist at­trac­tion in many zoos, which con­tributes to eco­tourism, es­pe­cially in Florida. (Buthelezi, et al., 2012; Neill, 1971)

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Neg­a­tive

Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors can cause harm or death to hu­mans. Ac­cord­ing to Ouch­ley (2013), be­tween 1948 and 2005, 337 at­tacks oc­curred in Florida, 15 in Texas, 9 in Geor­gia, 9 in South Car­olina, 5 in Al­abama, 2 in Louisiana, and 1 in North Car­olina. Ouch­ley also re­ported that in Florida be­tween 1948 and 2012, 22 of the 344 at­tacks were fatal.

Al­li­ga­tors that are 2.74 me­ters long or larger are to blame for the most at­tacks. At­tacks can hap­pen through­out the year, and typ­i­cally occur when peo­ple are swim­ming or de­stroy­ing the al­li­ga­tors’ nat­ural habi­tat by build­ing homes and other man­made struc­tures. (Ouch­ley, 2013)

  • Negative Impacts
  • injures humans

Con­ser­va­tion Sta­tus

In­ad­ver­tently, hu­mans (Homo sapi­ens) kill al­li­ga­tors by run­ning over them with ve­hi­cles, catch­ing them in nets and trout-lines, and strik­ing them with boats in shal­low wa­ter­ways. Along with hunt­ing, these threats con­tributed to the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors being listed as fed­er­ally en­dan­gered.

In 1966, Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors were first listed under the En­dan­gered Species Preser­va­tion Act of 1966 in hopes restor­ing habi­tat. How­ever, this ef­fort was not suc­cess­ful. Al­li­ga­tors also were listed as en­dan­gered when the En­dan­gered Species Act of 1973 passed. After many years of habi­tat preser­va­tion and in­creas­ing al­li­ga­tor num­bers, Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors were delisted and the pop­u­la­tion of al­li­ga­tors has since fully re­cov­ered. The IUCN red list lists the Amer­i­can al­li­ga­tors as a species of least con­cern. On the on-line US fed­eral list they are still listed as threat­ened, but as other re­search pro­vides, they are no longer a listed species. They are also listed as ap­pen­dix II of CITES, which means even though they are not a threat­ened species cur­rently; if trade is not con­trolled prop­erly they could re­turn to a threat­ened state. Cer­tifi­cates and per­mits are also re­quired for the ex­port and im­port of the al­li­ga­tors under ap­pen­dix II of CITES. (Croc­o­dile Spe­cial­ist Group, 1996; Moyle, 2013; Ouch­ley, 2013)


Katharyn Seay (au­thor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Karen Pow­ers (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, April Tin­gle (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Emily Clark (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Cari Mc­gre­gor (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Jacob Vaught (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Tanya Dewey (ed­i­tor), Uni­ver­sity of Michi­gan-Ann Arbor.



living in the Nearctic biogeographic province, the northern part of the New World. This includes Greenland, the Canadian Arctic islands, and all of the North American as far south as the highlands of central Mexico.

World Map


uses sound to communicate

bilateral symmetry

having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Synapomorphy of the Bilateria.

brackish water

areas with salty water, usually in coastal marshes and estuaries.


an animal that mainly eats meat


flesh of dead animals.


having markings, coloration, shapes, or other features that cause an animal to be camouflaged in its natural environment; being difficult to see or otherwise detect.


a substance used for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease


humans benefit economically by promoting tourism that focuses on the appreciation of natural areas or animals. Ecotourism implies that there are existing programs that profit from the appreciation of natural areas or animals.


animals which must use heat acquired from the environment and behavioral adaptations to regulate body temperature

female parental care

parental care is carried out by females


union of egg and spermatozoan


A substance that provides both nutrients and energy to a living thing.


Referring to a burrowing life-style or behavior, specialized for digging or burrowing.


mainly lives in water that is not salty.


(as keyword in perception channel section) This animal has a special ability to detect heat from other organisms in its environment.


offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes).


marshes are wetland areas often dominated by grasses and reeds.


having the capacity to move from one place to another.


specialized for swimming

native range

the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.


reproduction in which eggs are released by the female; development of offspring occurs outside the mother's body.


the kind of polygamy in which a female pairs with several males, each of which also pairs with several different females.

seasonal breeding

breeding is confined to a particular season


reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female


living in residential areas on the outskirts of large cities or towns.


a wetland area that may be permanently or intermittently covered in water, often dominated by woody vegetation.


that region of the Earth between 23.5 degrees North and 60 degrees North (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle) and between 23.5 degrees South and 60 degrees South (between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle).


defends an area within the home range, occupied by a single animals or group of animals of the same species and held through overt defense, display, or advertisement


The term is used in the 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals to refer collectively to species categorized as Endangered (E), Vulnerable (V), Rare (R), Indeterminate (I), or Insufficiently Known (K) and in the 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals to refer collectively to species categorized as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), or Vulnerable (VU).


living in cities and large towns, landscapes dominated by human structures and activity.


movements of a hard surface that are produced by animals as signals to others


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