Phalaropus tricolorWilson's phalarope

Ge­o­graphic Range

Phalaro­pus tri­color are found in North Amer­ica dur­ing breed­ing sea­son. They are lo­cated in the north­west United States and the west­ern part of Canada. Within Canada, this species is found as far north as the Great Slave Lake, which is lo­cated in the North­west Ter­ri­to­ries. Oc­ca­sion­ally, Wil­son's phalaropes can be found in iso­lated pop­u­la­tions scat­tered along the en­tire length of the United States and Canada bor­der that sur­rounds the Great Lakes.

Dur­ing non breed­ing sea­son, Wil­son's phalaropes are found in the en­tire south­ern por­tion of South Amer­ica as well as the west­ern coast ex­tend­ing from Lima, Peru north­ward to Es­mer­al­das, Ecuador. (An­drei, et al., 2006; BirdLife In­ter­na­tional, 2012; Jehl, 1999)


Dur­ing the breed­ing sea­son, Wil­son's phalaropes nest in fresh­wa­ter marshes. Dur­ing mi­gra­tion this bird species is found near ponds, in flooded fields, mud flats, along lake shores, and in ri­par­ian habi­tats. Oc­ca­sion­ally, this species can also be found near sewage treat­ment plants dur­ing mi­gra­tion be­cause of the sewer water. Dur­ing the win­ter months, Wil­son phalaropes are mainly found near al­ka­line lakes and ponds in South Amer­ica. The el­e­va­tion of this species is sea level up to 300m. (Jehl, 1999; Roesler and Im­berti, 2015; Sk­a­gen, 1994)

  • Aquatic Biomes
  • lakes and ponds
  • temporary pools
  • Range elevation
    0 to 300 m
    0.00 to 984.25 ft

Phys­i­cal De­scrip­tion

Wil­son's phalaropes are shore­birds with long legs and pointed wings. This bird species has a slim neck and a long, straight bill. Male and fe­male Wil­son's phalaropes are 22cm to 24cm in length and have wingspans of 39cm to 43cm. Fe­males tend to weigh more than males. The weight of male Wil­son's phalaropes ranges from 38g to 110g, while fe­males range from 52g to 128g. The slen­der build of Wil­son's phalaropes helps dis­tin­guish them from other closely-re­lated shore­birds such as Scolopaci­dae or more com­monly known as sand­piper.

Non-breed­ing Wil­son's phalaropes are mainly white, with black and grey feath­ers on the pos­te­rior. Breed­ing male Wil­son's phalaropes are mainly grey and black with a light cin­na­mon color on the nape. Breed­ing fe­males have more vi­brant col­or­ing than breed­ing males. The breed­ing fe­males have black feather pat­terns through their eyes that flow down the nape. The throat of a breed­ing fe­male is white and the nape is stained a vi­brant cin­na­mon color. Ju­ve­nile Wil­son's phalaropes have vi­brant col­ors sim­i­lar to the breed­ing fe­male ex­cept they lack the black feather pat­tern through the eyes. (Col­well, 1992; Wells, 2007)

  • Sexual Dimorphism
  • female larger
  • sexes colored or patterned differently
  • female more colorful
  • Range mass
    38 to 128 g
    1.34 to 4.51 oz
  • Range length
    22 to 24 cm
    8.66 to 9.45 in
  • Range wingspan
    39 to 43 cm
    15.35 to 16.93 in


Fe­male Wil­son's phalaropes are polyan­drous, mean­ing they mate with many males. The fe­males at­tract the at­ten­tion of males with ag­gres­sive mo­tions such as whip­ping the head back and forth. Oc­ca­sion­ally, the fe­males will get into phys­i­cal al­ter­ca­tions with other fe­males when try­ing to claim and de­fend her mate. Once the fe­males has the at­ten­tion of a male, the fe­males would then pro­ceed in up­right pos­ture and stick out their neck feath­ers in courtship. (Col­well, 1986; Howe, 1975; Oring and Col­well, 1988)

Male Wil­son's phalaropes breed once a year. Fe­male Wil­son's phalaropes breed mul­ti­ple times a year. Breed­ing oc­curs dur­ing the months of May through Au­gust. The fe­males will aban­don their clutch, in search of an­other male, while the orig­i­nal mate cares for the clutch. Each one of the fe­male's mates is re­spon­si­ble for a set of eggs. Clutch size is al­most al­ways four eggs. Oc­ca­sion­ally, a clutch will only be three, but this is rare. Once the fe­males lay their eggs, the male in­cu­bates them on av­er­age twenty-three days. The young are hatched with their eyes open, fully feath­ered, and able to find their own food. The young are in­de­pen­dent after an av­er­age of one day. The young are ca­pa­ble of breed­ing at one year old. (Dele­hanty and Oring, 1993; Oring and Col­well, 1988)

  • Breeding interval
    Wilson's phalaropes breed at least once yearly
  • Breeding season
    May through August
  • Range eggs per season
    4 to 8
  • Range time to hatching
    18 to 27 days
  • Average fledging age
    30 days
  • Average time to independence
    1 days
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
    1 years
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
    1 years

Fe­male Wil­son's phalaropes choose a nest­ing site and lays her eggs. The fe­male lays her eggs on the ground and then de­parts to seek out an­other mate, leav­ing the male to care for the off­spring. The male will build a nest around the eggs using the sur­round­ing veg­e­ta­tion as cam­ou­flage for the nest­ing site. Once the in­cu­ba­tion pe­riod ends the young will hatch, with their eyes open and fully feath­ered. The young are able to leave the nest within one day of hatch­ing, fully able to feed in­de­pen­dently. The male pro­vides pro­tec­tion from preda­tors by pre­form­ing a bro­ken wing act lur­ing the preda­tor away from the young. (Dele­hanty and Oring, 1993; Oring and Col­well, 1988)

  • Parental Investment
  • precocial
  • male parental care
  • pre-hatching/birth
    • provisioning
      • male
    • protecting
      • male
  • pre-weaning/fledging
    • provisioning
      • male
    • protecting
      • male
  • pre-independence
    • provisioning
      • male
    • protecting
      • male


The av­er­age lifes­pan of Wil­son's phalaropes is ten years in the wild. This species is not found in cap­tiv­ity. Male and fe­male Wil­son's phalaropes have the same lifes­pan. This species of bird has a shorter lifes­pan than many other bird species. Drought and cold weather are lim­it­ing fac­tors for Wil­son's phalaropes. (Carey and Judge, 2000)

  • Average lifespan
    Status: wild
    10 years


Wil­son's phalaropes are a so­cial species. This species nests in loose colonies and dur­ing mi­gra­tion trav­els in large flocks. Wil­son's phalaropes mi­grate from north­west United States and Canada to the south­ern por­tion of South Amer­ica, which on av­er­age is 4,000 miles. Dur­ing spring months, Wil­son's phalaropes are lo­cated in the United States and Canada for breed­ing. Dur­ing win­ter months, Wil­son's phalaropes are lo­cated in South Amer­ica.

Wil­son's phalaropes are polyan­drous. The fe­male at­tracts the male with ag­gres­sive be­hav­ior and will oc­ca­sion­ally en­gage in phys­i­cal al­ter­ca­tions with other fe­males. Uniquely, male Wil­son's phalarope are wholly re­spon­si­ble for pro­tect­ing and car­ing for the young until hatch­ing. The male can deter preda­tors by act­ing as if he has a bro­ken wing.

This species is di­ur­nal. (An­drei, et al., 2006)

  • Average territory size
    0.5 m^2

Home Range

Wil­son's phalarope home range is their nest­ing area. The ter­ri­tory con­sist of the size of the nest and the im­me­di­ate area sur­round­ing the nest. The av­er­age home range is 0.5 square me­ters. Scolopaci­dae, com­monly known as sand­piper, have a sim­i­lar home range as the Wil­son's phalarope. (An­drei, et al., 2006; BirdLife In­ter­na­tional, 2012)

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Per­cep­tion

Dur­ing courtship, male and fe­male Wil­son's phalaropes make brief nasal calls to each other to keep in touch. Fe­males will also make a deep call when com­mu­ni­cat­ing over long dis­tances, how­ever, when this species is in close range to each other they will make a soft purring call. Dur­ing mi­gra­tion del­i­cate gur­gling is used to com­mu­ni­cate amongst each other. Most calls are geared to­ward short range com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­cause of the gre­gar­i­ous life style of Wil­son's phalarope.

Wil­son's phalarope use smell to find their way in the skies dur­ing mi­gra­tion. Sense of smell is also used to de­tect other Wil­son's phalarope as well as preda­tors. (Howe, 1975; Jehl, 1997)

Food Habits

Wil­son's phalaropes for­age for food in a unique way. This species swims around in cir­cles cre­at­ing a whirlpool. This ag­i­tates any small aquatic in­ver­te­brate and algae from the sub­strate of a pond or lake and brings it to the sur­face. This species of bird also for­ages in the mud sur­round­ing the pond or lake for prey. Wil­son's phalaropes will probe their bill into the mud or stand still and snatch fly­ing in­sects out of the air. Wil­son's phalaropes rarely pur­sue prey while in flight. Wil­son's phalaropes eat op­por­tunis­ti­cally and their prey con­sist of mainly crus­taceans, aquatic in­sects, and aquatic lar­vae.

Oc­ca­sion­ally, on the mi­gra­tion path, Wil­son's phalarope eat so much that they dou­ble their body weight. Some­times the extra weight pre­vents them from fly­ing, which al­lows re­searchers to eas­ily catch them by hand. (Es­trella, et al., 2007; Roberts, 2013; Wells, 2007)

  • Animal Foods
  • insects
  • aquatic crustaceans


Wil­son's phalaropes have lightly col­ored feath­ers on their stom­achs and the ven­tral side of their wings that cam­ou­flages them from preda­tors on the ground while in flight. How­ever, the feath­ers on the dor­sal of this species are cin­na­mon and brown that blend with sur­round­ing veg­e­ta­tion cam­ou­flag­ing Wil­son's phalaropes from preda­tors while they are on the ground. A de­fense mech­a­nism com­monly ob­served in this species is the bro­ken wing act. The male will mimic a bro­ken wing to lure a preda­tor away from his young. Com­mon preda­tors are rac­coons Pro­cyon lotor, skunks Mephi­tis, garter snakes Thamnophis, and gulls Larus. All of these preda­tors prey on Wil­son's phalarope eggs as well as adult Wil­son's phalaropes. How­ever, gulls are the only preda­tor that will not prey on the adult Wil­son's phalarope. (Col­well, 1992; Jehl, 1997)

  • Anti-predator Adaptations
  • cryptic

Ecosys­tem Roles

Wil­son's phalaropes aer­ate soil when search­ing for food by prob­ing the soil with their bill. Most of their food is lo­cated in the water. Wil­son's phalaropes are com­monly in­fected with en­dopar­a­sites such as Levin­se­niella howen­sis and ec­topar­a­sites such as bird lice. Wil­son's phalaropes are con­sid­ered a pri­mary con­sumer or a sec­ondary con­sumer be­cause it eats both algae and aquatic in­ver­te­brate. (Wells, 2007)

Com­men­sal/Par­a­sitic Species

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Pos­i­tive

Wil­son's phalaropes play a role in eco­tourism. Wil­son's phalaropes at­tract bird watch­ers for many rea­sons. The main rea­son bird watch­ers are at­tracted to Wil­son's phalaropes is their unique for­ag­ing be­hav­ior. This species spins around in cir­cles while swim­ming in the water which brings their food to the sur­face. (An­drei, et al., 2006; Es­trella, et al., 2007; Howe, 1975; Wells, 2007)

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Neg­a­tive

There are no known ad­verse ef­fects of Wil­son's phalarope on hu­mans.

Con­ser­va­tion Sta­tus

Wil­son's phalaropes are not glob­ally threat­ened. They are listed on the IUCN Red List as a species of "Least Con­cern" due to their large ge­o­graphic range. Wil­son's phalarope are a pro­tected species ac­cord­ing to the United States Mi­gra­tory Bird Act which pro­tects Wil­son's phalarope from being killed, cap­tured, or sold. It has no spe­cial sta­tus on the Fed­eral List as well as on the Con­ven­tion on In­ter­na­tional Trade in En­dan­gered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora list.

Threats against Wil­son's phalaropes are degra­da­tion and loss of breed­ing habi­tat as the re­sult of drainage of wet­lands. Con­ser­va­tion mea­sures that are being taken are preser­va­tion of Wil­son's phalarope habi­tat by cre­at­ing con­ser­va­tion sites in the breed­ing ter­ri­tory of the United States and Canada as well as in the mi­gra­tory ter­ri­tory of Mex­ico. (BirdLife In­ter­na­tional, 2012; Col­well, 1986; Oring and Col­well, 1988)


Casey Wood (au­thor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Cari Mc­gre­gor (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Zeb Pike (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Karen Pow­ers (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, April Tin­gle (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Jacob Vaught (ed­i­tor), Rad­ford Uni­ver­sity, Tanya Dewey (ed­i­tor), Uni­ver­sity of Michi­gan-Ann Arbor.



living in the Nearctic biogeographic province, the northern part of the New World. This includes Greenland, the Canadian Arctic islands, and all of the North American as far south as the highlands of central Mexico.

World Map


living in the southern part of the New World. In other words, Central and South America.

World Map


uses sound to communicate

bilateral symmetry

having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Synapomorphy of the Bilateria.


an animal that mainly eats meat


uses smells or other chemicals to communicate


used loosely to describe any group of organisms living together or in close proximity to each other - for example nesting shorebirds that live in large colonies. More specifically refers to a group of organisms in which members act as specialized subunits (a continuous, modular society) - as in clonal organisms.


having markings, coloration, shapes, or other features that cause an animal to be camouflaged in its natural environment; being difficult to see or otherwise detect.

  1. active during the day, 2. lasting for one day.

humans benefit economically by promoting tourism that focuses on the appreciation of natural areas or animals. Ecotourism implies that there are existing programs that profit from the appreciation of natural areas or animals.


animals that use metabolically generated heat to regulate body temperature independently of ambient temperature. Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities. Convergent in birds.


mainly lives in water that is not salty.


An animal that eats mainly plants or parts of plants.


An animal that eats mainly insects or spiders.


offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes).

male parental care

parental care is carried out by males


marshes are wetland areas often dominated by grasses and reeds.


makes seasonal movements between breeding and wintering grounds


having the capacity to move from one place to another.

native range

the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.


reproduction in which eggs are released by the female; development of offspring occurs outside the mother's body.


Referring to a mating system in which a female mates with several males during one breeding season (compare polygynous).


reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female

soil aeration

digs and breaks up soil so air and water can get in


uses touch to communicate


uses sight to communicate

young precocial

young are relatively well-developed when born


An­drei, A., L. Smith, D. Haukos, J. Surles. 2006. Com­mu­nity com­po­si­tion and mi­gra­tion chronol­ogy of shore­birds using the saline lakes of the South­ern Great Plains, USA. Jour­nal of Field Or­nithol­ogy, 77/4: 372-383.

BirdLife In­ter­na­tional, 2012. "Stegano­pus tri­color" (On-line). The IUCN Red List of Threat­ened Species. Ac­cessed Jan­u­ary 27, 2016 at http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​2305/​IUCN.​UK.​2012-1.​RLTS.​T22693472A38830438.​en.

Bor­berg, J. 2005. A test for bias at­trib­ut­able to seabird avoid­ance of ships. Ma­rine Or­nithol­ogy, 33: 173-179.

Carey, J., D. Judge. 2000. Longevity Records: Life Spans of Mam­mals, Birds, Am­phib­ians, Rep­tiles, and Fish. Odense, Den­mark: Odense Uni­ver­sity Press.

Col­well, M. 1986. The first doc­u­mented case of polyandry for Wil­son's phalarope. The Auk, 103/3: 611.

Col­well, M. 1992. Wil­son's phalarope nest suc­cess is not in­flu­enced by veg­e­ta­tion con­ceal­ment. The Con­dor, 94/3: 767-772.

Dele­hanty, D., L. Oring. 1993. Ef­fect of clutch size on in­cu­ba­tion per­sis­tence in male Wil­son's phalaropes. The Auk, 110/3: 521-528.

Es­trella, S., J. Masero, A. Perez-Hur­tado. 2007. Small prey prof­itabil­ity: Field analy­sis of shore­birds' use of sur­face ten­sion to trans­port prey. The Auk, 124/4: 1244-1253.

Howe, M. 1975. So­cial in­ter­ac­tions in flocks of court­ing Wil­son's phalaropes. Con­dor, 77/1: 24.

Jehl, J. 1999. Pop­u­la­tion stud­ies of Wil­son's phalaropes at fall stag­ing areas, 1980-1997: A chal­lenge for mon­i­tor­ing. Wa­ter­birds, 22/1: 37-46.

Jehl, J. 1997. Fat loads and flight­less­ness in Wil­son's phalaropes. Con­dor, 99/2: 538.

Oring, L., M. Col­well. 1988. Sex ra­tios and in­tra­sex­ual com­pe­ti­tion for mates in a sex-role re­versed shore­bird, Wil­son's phalarope. Be­hav­ioral Ecol­ogy and So­cio­bi­ol­ogy, 22/3: 165-173.

Roberts, A. 2013. Avian diets in a saline ecosys­tem: Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Hu­man-Wildlife In­ter­ac­tions, 7/1: 158-168.

Roesler, I., S. Im­berti. 2015. Abun­dance and habi­tat use of nearc­tic shore­birds in the High­land Lakes of west­ern Santa Cruz Province, Ar­gen­tinean Patag­o­nia. Wa­ter­birds, 38/1: 86-91.

Sk­a­gen, S. 1994. Mi­grat­ing shore­birds and habi­tat dy­nam­ics at a prairie wet­land com­plex. The Wil­son Bul­letin, 106/1: 91-105.

Wells, J. 2007. Birder's Con­ser­va­tion Hand­book: 100 North Amer­i­can Birds at Risk. Prince­ton, NJ: Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Press.