Saguinus mystaxblack-chested mustached tamarin

Ge­o­graphic Range

There are three rec­og­nized sub­species of mus­tached tamarins: Sagui­nus mys­tax mys­tax, Sagui­nus mys­tax pilea­tus, and Sagui­nus mys­tax pluto. All three sub­species are found in the mid­dle Ama­zon re­gion of north­ern Peru and west­ern Brazil. (Flea­gle, 1999)


Mus­tached tamarins pre­fer dry, up­land forests in the Ama­zon­ian low­land and avoid flooded forests. (Flea­gle, 1999)

Phys­i­cal De­scrip­tion

Mus­tached tamarins, being cal­litrichines, have dis­tin­guish­ing fea­tures that set them apart from other New World mon­keys. These in­clude their diminu­tive body size and the pres­ence of claw-like nails on all dig­its ex­cept the hal­lux. Mus­tached tamarins have also lost both their upper and lower 3rd mo­lars and the hypocones on their upper mo­lars. The den­tal for­mula is 2.​1.​3.​2 / 2.​1.​3.​2. Tamarins have spat­u­late in­cisors that are shorter than their ca­nines, un­like mar­mosets which have in­cisors and ca­nines of more sim­i­lar size. The labial and lin­gual sides of their in­cisors are also thick­ened with enamel. Mus­tached tamarins have jet black pelage on their body and tail and a char­ac­ter­is­tic white stripe on their upper lip, which gives the ap­pear­ance of a "white mus­tache." Mus­tached tamarins do not have pre­hen­sile tails. (Suss­man and Kinzey, 1984)

Mus­tached tamarins do not ex­hibit sex­ual di­mor­phism and there are only minor dif­fer­ences in body and ca­nine size be­tween males and fe­males. On av­er­age, adult male mus­tached tamarins weigh 491 ± 23.0 g and mea­sure 61.2 ± 31.2 cm (n=95), whereas adult fe­males weigh 511.0 ± 49.0 g and mea­sure 62.0 ± 29.0 cm (n=80). (Gar­ber and Teaford, 1986; Ry­lands and Mit­ter­meier, 2008)

Ac­cord­ing to Cesar and Bicca-Mar­ques (1999), feed­ing be­hav­iors are cor­re­lated with the rel­a­tive size and shape of hands in cal­litrichines. Mixed-species groups of tamarins are ob­served to form only be­tween species that have dif­fer­ent for­ag­ing be­hav­ior, which re­duces di­rect com­pe­ti­tion. Con­se­quently, due to the spe­cial­iza­tion con­ferred by hand mor­phol­ogy, species with dis­sim­i­lar hand shapes are usu­ally found in as­so­ci­a­tion with each other in such mixed-species groups. This is the case in the mixed-species groups of mus­tached tamarins and sad­dle-back tamarins. Sagui­nus mys­tax cap­tures ex­posed in­sects on branches and thus has evolved rel­a­tively wide and short hands, as op­posed to sad­dle-back tamarins, which have made use of longer and more slen­der ap­pendages to ma­nip­u­late open­ings in tree trunks and other sub­strates to search for in­sect prey. (Cesar and Bicca-Mar­ques, 1999)

  • Sexual Dimorphism
  • sexes alike
  • Range mass
    462 to 560 g
    16.28 to 19.74 oz
  • Average mass
    501 g
    17.66 oz
  • Range length
    30 to 92.4 cm
    11.81 to 36.38 in
  • Average length
    61.6 cm
    24.25 in


Mus­tached tamarins usu­ally as­so­ci­ate in sta­ble troops, which vary widely in size. For ex­am­ple, the mean group size was found to be 6 to 7 in­di­vid­u­als per group in two stud­ies (Gar­ber et al., 1993; Löttker et al., 2004), with a range of 4 to 11 in­di­vid­u­als in each group. (Gar­ber, et al., 1993a; Löttker, et al., 2004)

The re­pro­duc­tive strat­egy of S. mys­tax is de­scribed as polyan­drous or polyg­y­nous. Each group is typ­i­cally cen­tered on one breed­ing fe­male, which is usu­ally also the old­est fe­male. De­spite the lack of breed­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties, adult non-breed­ing fe­males may con­tinue to per­sist in the group, and may as­cend to breed­ing fe­male sta­tus in the event of death or ill­ness of the cur­rent breed­ing fe­male. (Gar­ber, et al., 1993a)

A study by Löttker et al (2007) sug­gests that breed­ing fe­males use so­cial groom­ing as in­cen­tive to in­duce adult males and non-breed­ing off­spring to stay in the group as helpers to care for their young. (Löttker, et al., 2007)

Adult mus­tached tamarins live in highly tol­er­ant and co­op­er­a­tive so­ci­eties. Gar­ber (1997) es­ti­mated that the fre­quency of co­op­er­a­tive to ag­gres­sive acts be­tween adult mus­tached tamarins was 52:1. In­tra­group sex­ual ag­gres­sion be­tween male mus­tached tamarins is ex­ceed­ingly rare, but mate guard­ing may be prac­ticed by the dom­i­nant breed­ing adult male dur­ing the breed­ing fe­male’s most fer­tile pe­ri­ods. (Gar­ber, 1997; Huck, et al., 2004)

Male mus­tached tamarins may com­pete for re­pro­duc­tive suc­cess via sperm com­pe­ti­tion and other phys­i­o­log­i­cal mech­a­nisms. For ex­am­ple, testes vol­ume in males within a group var­ied greatly among in­di­vid­u­als and this could di­rectly im­pact re­pro­duc­tive vi­a­bil­ity of males. (Gar­ber, et al., 1996)

De­spite a polyan­drous mat­ing sys­tem and seem­ingly a lack of ev­i­dence of strong com­pe­ti­tion or ag­gres­sion over breed­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties, a ge­netic analy­sis of pa­ter­nity in mus­tached tamarins re­vealed that 67 to 100% of S. mys­tax in­fants in a troop were fa­thered by the same adult male. Ge­netic re­lat­ed­ness within a troop is high but both non-re­lated and re­lated adults can co-ex­ist in a troop. There is a need for a bet­ter un­der­stand­ing of the crit­i­cal fac­tors that gov­ern the ob­served re­pro­duc­tive bias among adult S. mys­tax males. (Huck, et al., 2005)

Mus­tached tamarins have char­ac­ter­is­tic twinned births, with an an­nual birth peak from No­vem­ber through March. Some S. mys­tax troops ex­pe­ri­ence 2 birthing cy­cles, from June to Oc­to­ber and in Feb­ru­ary and March. (Gar­ber, et al., 1993a)

Spa­tio-ge­netic analy­sis of a pop­u­la­tion of mus­tached tamarins in Peru by Huck et al. (2007) re­vealed vari­able ge­netic re­lat­ed­ness within a troop. Mi­gra­tion is com­mon among male and fe­male mus­tached tamarins, but fe­males are often re­quired to travel for longer dis­tances than males be­fore set­tling down with a new troop due to scarce breed­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties in a polyan­drous mat­ing so­ci­ety. Mat­ings are gen­er­ally be­tween non-closely re­lated part­ners, hence the de­gree of in­breed­ing is re­duced. (Huck, et al., 2007)

  • Breeding interval
    Mustached tamarin breeding intervals are not reported.
  • Breeding season
    There is an annual birth peak from November through March. Some S. mystax troops experience 2 birthing cycles, from June to October and in February and March.
  • Average number of offspring
  • Average number of offspring
  • Average gestation period
    145 days
  • Average gestation period
    145 days
  • Average weaning age
    171 days
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
    486 days
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
    Sex: female
    486 days
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
    540 days
  • Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
    Sex: male
    540 days

Ma­ter­nal in­fan­ti­cide, while rare, has been doc­u­mented twice in Sagui­nus species, in S. mys­tax by Culot et al. (2011) and S. fus­ci­col­lis by Her­rera et al. (2000). In both cases, in­fan­ti­cides oc­curred under cir­cum­stances of low avail­abil­ity of helpers (2 to 3 male helpers com­pared to 4 to 5 helpers at other times) and pres­ence of more than 1 breed­ing fe­male in the troop. Both of these fac­tors lower the like­li­hood of ob­tain­ing suf­fi­cient care for the in­fant within the group.

The sin­gle most im­por­tant de­ter­mi­nant of ma­ter­nal in­fan­ti­cide could be the mother’s per­cep­tion of low prob­a­bil­ity of sur­vival of her in­fant in the group, which is di­rectly caused by ex­ter­nal fac­tors in the troops, such as low helper avail­abil­ity. Low helper avail­abil­ity or com­pe­ti­tion for care with in­fants from an­other breed­ing fe­male in the same troop greatly re­duces the chances of sur­vival for in­fant mus­tached tamarins. Ma­ter­nal in­fan­ti­cide may thus rep­re­sent a strat­egy to max­i­mize ef­forts that go into en­sur­ing sur­vival of in­fants. On the con­trary, in­fan­ti­cide of un­re­lated in­fant tamarins by male mus­tached tamarins, which is usu­ally at­trib­uted to sex­ual se­lec­tion pres­sures, has never been ob­served in Sagui­nus. Males do not gain re­pro­duc­tive ad­van­tages from in­fan­ti­cide, as in­fant mor­tal­ity has min­i­mum ef­fect on the mother’s fer­til­ity sta­tus. Fe­male mus­tached tamarins re­main re­pro­duc­tively vi­able dur­ing nurs­ing of their young. (Culot, et al., 2011; Her­rera, et al., 2000)

Due to the co­op­er­a­tive breed­ing be­hav­ior of S. mys­tax, the num­ber of helpers avail­able in a group to care for the young has a strong in­flu­ence on the sur­vival of in­fant tamarins (Gar­ber, 1997). (Gar­ber, 1997)

Birth in­ter­vals were also shorter dur­ing the pe­ri­ods when in­fan­ti­cide oc­curred (1 to 2.5 months). In Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis, which also prac­tices co­op­er­a­tive breed­ing like S. mys­tax, the op­ti­mal birth spac­ing is 3 months, so as to allow for ef­fi­cient care of the young. Shorter birth in­ter­vals in­crease the bur­den on the troop to care for the young, and this ef­fec­tively re­duces the like­li­hood of pro­vid­ing ad­e­quate care for all of them. (Goldizen, 1989)

Al­though not demon­strated in S. mys­tax, care and trans­port of in­fants re­sults in sig­nif­i­cant per­sonal costs for small-sized mus­tached tamarins. Loss of body mass of car­ri­ers of in­fants has been demon­strated in wild and cap­tive Sagui­nus oedi­pus. Co­op­er­a­tive breed­ing al­lows the costs of car­ing for the young to be dis­trib­uted to other mem­bers of a troop to a cer­tain ex­tent, and car­riage of in­fant mus­tached tamarins is not re­stricted to cer­tain mem­bers of a troop, as mem­bers usu­ally take turns in trans­port­ing the young when for­ag­ing. (Achen­bach and Snow­don, 2002; Sanchez, et al., 2005; Sanchez, et al., 2008)

  • Parental Investment
  • precocial
  • male parental care
  • female parental care
  • pre-fertilization
    • provisioning
    • protecting
      • female
  • pre-hatching/birth
    • provisioning
      • female
    • protecting
      • female
  • pre-weaning/fledging
    • provisioning
      • male
      • female
    • protecting
      • male
      • female
  • post-independence association with parents


There are in­con­clu­sive data on the longest lifes­pan of mus­tached tamarins in the wild, though in­di­vid­u­als in cap­tiv­ity have been known to live in ex­cess of 20 years. (Weigl, 2005)

  • Typical lifespan
    Status: captivity
    >20 (high) years


Mus­tached tamarins are so­cial and di­ur­nal an­i­mals and usu­ally co-ex­ist in sta­ble groups char­ac­ter­ized by in­fre­quent con­flicts and rel­a­tively low oc­cur­rence of sex­ual in­ter­ac­tions within the group. (Hey­mann, 1996)

Being ar­bo­real, mus­tached tamarins usu­ally oc­cupy the mid­dle and upper lay­ers of the for­est at a height of 10 m above the ground. This is in con­trast to their con­gener, sad­dle-back tamarins, which oc­cupy the lower lay­ers of the for­est. (Buchanan-Smith, et al., 2000; Ry­lands and Mit­ter­meier, 2008)

Ag­gres­sive in­ter­group en­coun­ters be­tween mus­tached tamarin groups re­sult pri­mar­ily from re­source and mate de­fense and less from ter­ri­to­r­ial dis­putes. (Gar­ber, et al., 1993b)

In­ter­est­ingly, it was ob­served that in mixed-species groups, the larger S. mys­tax mem­bers are more likely to gain ac­cess to dis­puted food re­sources over Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis mem­bers in the same troop. (Nor­conk, 1990)

Con­flicts be­tween neigh­bor­ing troops of mus­tached tamarins fre­quently occur over food re­sources and es­pe­cially near im­por­tant feed­ing trees. The loss of such feed­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties will re­sult in extra for­ag­ing ef­forts by the dis­placed troop. Ac­cord­ing to Gar­ber (1988b, p. 27-28), "in those in­stances in which the troop was ex­cluded from using these nearby feed­ing sites, mean dis­tance trav­eled to the next major feed­ing tree was 331 m. This is con­sid­er­ably greater than the dis­tance trav­eled to the next major feed­ing site (59.2 m) after a suc­cess­ful de­fense." Hence, mus­tached tamarins that are dis­placed from feed­ing by an­other troop will have to ex­pend more en­ergy to travel longer dis­tances to find an­other suit­able feed­ing site. (Gar­ber, 1988a)

The de­vel­op­ment of trichro­matic vi­sion in pri­mates has been pro­posed as an adap­ta­tion to allow bet­ter de­tec­tion and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of fruits in their forested habi­tats. New World mon­keys, such as Sagui­nus, are unique in hav­ing a poly­mor­phic vi­sion sys­tem. Only het­erozy­gous fe­male mus­tached tamarins have trichro­matic vi­sion, with the rest re­tain­ing dichro­matic vi­sion. There is some ev­i­dence in the closely re­lated species Sagui­nus labi­a­tus that those with tri­chomatic vi­sion "were more ef­fi­cient at se­lect­ing ripe fruits than were dichro­mats" (Smith et al 2003, p.3159), but this has not been in­de­pen­dently demon­strated in S. mys­tax. (Smith, et al., 2003a)

Ac­cord­ing to a study by Smith et al. (2003b), mixed-species troops of mus­tached and sad­dle-back tamarins were usu­ally led by a mus­tached tamarin dur­ing mi­gra­tion through its home range. Color vi­sion sta­tus did not con­sis­tently in­flu­ence the choice of the lead an­i­mal of a troop. How­ever, it was ob­served that a trichro­matic fe­male was sig­nif­i­cantly more likely to lead when the troop was ap­proach­ing a fruit­ing tree. This lends sup­port to the hy­poth­e­sis that trichro­mats are more en­dowed to dif­fer­en­ti­ate be­tween fruit­ing and non-fruit­ing trees, and thus would be able to iden­tify fruit­ing trees that are ready for feed­ing. Color vi­sion is likely to be just one of many fac­tors af­fect­ing lead­er­ship se­lec­tion in wild S. mys­tax and S. fus­ci­col­lis troops. (Smith, et al., 2003b)

Vig­i­lance, de­fined as "ob­serv­able head move­ments in sta­tion­ary an­i­mals where scan­ning is di­rected be­yond arm's reach" (Sto­jan-Dolar and Hey­mann, 2010b, p. 327), ap­pears to serve the pri­mary func­tion of preda­tor de­tec­tion and avoid­ance in S. mys­tax. Sec­on­dar­ily, vig­i­lance has also been pro­posed to main­tain group co­he­sion within one’s own group and to mon­i­tor the move­ment of neigh­bor­ing troops. Group com­po­si­tion and size af­fect the vig­i­lance of mus­tached tamarins. In­di­vid­u­als in mixed-species groups ap­peared to be less vig­i­lant when feed­ing and dur­ing pe­ri­ods of rest­ing than those not in mixed-species groups. Sagui­nus mys­tax mem­bers in mixed-species groups also ex­hib­ited a greater re­duc­tion in ver­ti­cal vig­i­lance, com­pared to that in the hor­i­zon­tal di­rec­tion. One rea­son may be the po­si­tional pref­er­ences of Sagui­nus mys­tax and S. fus­ci­col­lis, which oc­cupy dif­fer­ent for­est strata. Tamarins in mixed-species groups may share re­spon­si­bil­ity for group vig­i­lance in the ver­ti­cal di­rec­tion; hence, greater re­duc­tion in ver­ti­cal scan­ning is ob­served. De­vel­op­ment of mixed-species groups pro­vides some evo­lu­tion­ary ad­van­tage in en­hanc­ing preda­tor de­tec­tion and avoid­ance for the troop so as to in­crease the chances of over­all sur­vival of its S. mys­tax and S. fus­ci­col­lis mem­bers. (Sto­jan-Dolar and Hey­mann, 2010a; Sto­jan-Dolar and Hey­mann, 2010b)

Sym­met­ri­cal quadrupedal­ism is the dom­i­nant type of lo­co­mo­tion in S. mys­tax (63%), fol­lowed by asym­met­ric quadrupedal­ism (23%) and leap­ing (14%). Mus­tached tamarins also pref­er­en­tially use more hor­i­zon­tal sup­ports when trav­el­ing, and thin and flex­i­ble sup­port­ing struc­tures when feed­ing. (Nyakatura and Hey­mann, 2010)

The move­ment of S. mys­tax has been de­scribed by Suss­man and Kinzey (1984, p. 427) as “quadrupedal, run­ning, and leap­ing along medium to small branches and jump­ing among the fine ter­mi­nal branches and leaves be­tween trees.” (Suss­man and Kinzey, 1984)

Al­though other pri­mates do form sym­patric groups, the mixed-species groups of tamarins are among the most sta­ble and per­ma­nent of all pri­mate groups. Group co­he­sion is im­por­tant in main­tain­ing mixed-species groups, and this can be en­hanced by in­tra-group com­mu­ni­ca­tion and shared re­spon­si­bil­ity in preda­tor de­fense and avoid­ance. As tamarin species in mixed-species groups may com­pete for sim­i­lar re­sources, spa­tial seg­re­ga­tion be­tween species is im­por­tant in al­low­ing such mixed-species groups to per­sist. (Nad­jafzadeh and Hey­mann, 2008)

By dif­fer­ing in lo­co­mo­tor types, sup­port pref­er­ence, and food/prey se­lec­tion, and by oc­cu­py­ing dif­fer­ent strata of their for­est habi­tat, mus­tached tamarins and sad­dle-back tamarins are able to co-ex­ist har­mo­niously in groups with­out com­pet­ing for the same scarce re­sources. (Nor­conk, 1990)

Home Range

The home range of mus­tached tamarins is highly vari­able, and sev­eral troops may co-ex­ist with over­lap­ping ter­ri­to­r­ial lim­its. A study of mus­tached tamarins in­hab­it­ing Padre Isla (in the Ama­zon Basin) showed that home ranges of neigh­bor­ing S. mys­tax groups over­lapped by ap­prox­i­mately 38%. (Gar­ber, et al., 1993b)

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Per­cep­tion

Al­logroom­ing and scent mark­ing have been stud­ied in S. mys­tax so­ci­eties. Al­logroom­ing or so­cial groom­ing is com­monly ob­served in mus­tached tamarins, but it is not prac­ticed equally by all mem­bers of a troop. In one study by Hey­mann (1996), an adult male con­tributed 70% of all groom­ing ob­served in a group, with­out bias to any one of the other mem­bers in his troop. The rea­sons for this asym­me­try are not well-char­ac­ter­ized but may be at­trib­uted to dif­fer­ences in so­cial stand­ing or com­pe­ti­tion for re­pro­duc­tive suc­cess. As men­tioned above, breed­ing fe­males may em­ploy so­cial groom­ing as a way of en­cour­ag­ing other mem­bers in her troop to stay to as­sist in parental care du­ties. (Hey­mann, 1996; Löttker, et al., 2007)

The use of scent mark­ing for ter­ri­to­r­ial de­mar­ca­tion is vari­able among Sagui­nus species. In both wild and cap­tive S. mys­tax, there is lit­tle ev­i­dence for the use of scent mark­ing in ter­ri­to­r­ial de­fense. (Hey­mann, 2000)

Scent mark­ing func­tions promi­nently in in­tra-group com­mu­ni­ca­tion and fe­male mus­tached tamarins are more likely to en­gage in scent mark­ing be­hav­ior, com­pared to males. On the con­trary, male mus­tached tamarins are more likely to re­spond to scent marks of the op­po­site sex, which may be re­lated to mate se­lec­tion. Mus­tached tamarins do not en­gage in "col­lec­tive scent mark­ing" or al­lo­mark­ing, un­like in S. fus­ci­col­lis. (Hey­mann, 2001)

The rates of scent mark­ing by mus­tached tamarins are di­rectly pro­por­tional to the du­ra­tion of oc­cu­pa­tion of areas by the troop. In­tense scent mark­ing in more fre­quented areas en­hances the ef­fec­tive­ness of ol­fac­tory com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween mem­bers of the same troop. (Hey­mann, 1998)

Vo­cal­iza­tion has also been demon­strated to be a form of com­mu­ni­ca­tion in S. mys­tax, such as in sit­u­a­tions where a mus­tached tamarin be­comes sep­a­rated from its troop. Ac­cord­ing to Snow­don and Hodun (1985, p. 211), "The long-call struc­ture of the mous­tached tamarin is sim­i­lar to that of its sym­patric tamarin species, sad­dle­back tamarins. In both species the calls last 2 to 3 sec­onds, con­sist of sev­eral short, fre­quency-mod­u­lated syl­la­bles, and has a fre­quency range of 8 to 12 kHz". The same study also noted that "non­breed­ing adult fe­males gave fewer calls" and they were also slower to make the first long call upon sep­a­ra­tion. This could re­flect "the rel­a­tively low sta­tus of non­re­pro­duc­tive ma­ture fe­males" (p. 211) in their troop, which is usu­ally cen­tered on a sin­gle breed­ing fe­male. Mem­bers of a troop are able to rec­og­nize mem­bers of their troops by re­spond­ing to long calls from sep­a­rated mem­bers. This abil­ity to dis­tin­guish in­di­vid­ual mem­bers sug­gests that a S. mys­tax troop in the wild is able to main­tain its in­tegrity by en­sur­ing that all mem­bers are ac­counted for. (Snow­don and Hodun, 1985)

Early morn­ing vo­cal­iza­tions and sub­se­quent co­or­di­nated move­ment pat­terns within mixed-species troops of mus­tached tamarins and sad­dle-back tamarins are also cru­cial in main­tain­ing group in­tegrity on a daily basis. (Nor­conk, 1990)

Food Habits

Being fru­giv­o­rous-in­sec­tiv­o­rous, mus­tached tamarins feed on fruits, flow­ers, and nec­tar, in­sects, and plant ex­u­dates. Food sources like gums and soil ap­pear to sup­ple­ment nu­tri­ents and min­er­als lack­ing in their main diet of fruits and in­sects. (Hey­mann and Hart­mann, 1991; Hey­mann, et al., 2000)

Mus­tached tamarins typ­i­cally only feed on a small num­ber of plant species in their home range. How­ever, feed­ing trees are nu­mer­ous and scat­tered through­out their home range. Feed­ing trees are usu­ally con­tin­u­ously fruit­ing and pro­duce a small amount of fruits daily, hence mus­tached tamarins may visit the same trees reg­u­larly over a span of sev­eral months to ex­ploit the re­sources. (Gar­ber, et al., 1993b)

In a group of mus­tached tamarins in north­east­ern Peru, up to a third of feed­ing time was spent feed­ing on nec­tar from Sym­pho­nia glob­u­lif­era in the dry sea­son. Mus­tached tamarins con­cen­trated their for­ag­ing ef­forts on trees that yielded more nec­tar, de­spite hav­ing to travel greater dis­tances be­tween feed­ing ses­sions in some cases. There­fore, prox­im­ity of feed­ing trees from one an­other did not pre­dict for­ag­ing pat­terns, as mus­tached tamarins pref­er­en­tially chose feed­ing trees that al­lowed them to feed for longer pe­ri­ods of time in­stead of trees that were closer and would thus min­i­mize trav­el­ing time from one tree to an­other. (Gar­ber, 1988b; Gar­ber, 1989)

Al­though feed­ing trees are typ­i­cally scat­tered through­out their home range, mus­tached tamarins are able to re­mem­ber the lo­ca­tions of the im­por­tant feed­ing trees to min­i­mize ef­forts in for­ag­ing. The use of spa­tial mem­ory and learn­ing in for­ag­ing are im­por­tant be­cause they pro­vide "an ef­fi­cient means of ex­ploit­ing a widely scat­tered set of pre­dictable feed­ing sites" (Gar­ber, 1989, p. 212). (Gar­ber, 1989)

Gum feed­ing is highly sea­sonal, but it is a major di­etary sta­ple dur­ing dry and early wet sea­sons when other food sources are scarce. Fur­ther­more, gum ex­u­dates bal­ance min­eral in­take, which will oth­er­wise suf­fer from the ef­fects of a low-cal­cium and high-phos­pho­rus in­sec­tiv­o­rous diet. (Suss­man and Kinzey, 1984)

Since mus­tached tamarins lack the den­tal spe­cial­iza­tion to gouge holes into tree bark, gum feed­ing is "de­pen­dent prin­ci­pally on ei­ther nat­ural weath­er­ing of the bark or on the par­a­sitic ac­tiv­ity of wood­bor­ing in­sects, or both" (Gar­ber, 1992, p. 471). (Gar­ber, 1992)

Hey­mann and Smith (1999) found that Sagui­nus mys­tax con­cen­trated gum feed­ing in the af­ter­noon. They hy­poth­e­sized that this may be "a be­hav­ioral strat­egy to pro­long the time that the gums are re­tained in the gas­troin­testi­nal tract" (p. 468). Pro­longed pas­sage al­lows for bet­ter di­ges­tion and more com­plete mi­cro­bial fer­men­ta­tion of the sub­strates. This in turn yields nu­tri­tional ben­e­fits while pro­vid­ing these small an­i­mals with a means to gen­er­ate heat dur­ing the night via the fer­men­ta­tion process. (Hey­mann and Smith, 1999)

Gar­ber (1992) de­scribed mus­tached tamarins as ex­hibit­ing "a highly op­por­tunis­tic for­ag­ing pat­tern," with "sea­sonal ex­u­date feed­ing, oc­ca­sional trunk for­ag­ing pat­terns, and small-branch fruit and in­sect feed­ing" (p. 471). (Gar­ber, 1992)

The main ver­te­brate prey for mus­tached tamarins in­cludes "katy­dids (Tet­tigo­ni­idae, Or­thoptera), stick grasshop­pers (Pro­scopi­idae, Or­thoptera), and spi­ders (Aranei­dae), al­though lizards (Squa­mata) and frogs (Anura) were also taken" (Smith, 2000, p. 315). Mus­tached tamarins also feed on nestling birds, al­beit less fre­quently. They for­age for prey at higher lev­els within the for­est strata than Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis (av­er­age of 8.84 m vs. 1.50 m; Smith 2000), and also cap­ture most prey from slen­der and hor­i­zon­tal sub­strates. (Smith, 2000)

  • Animal Foods
  • birds
  • amphibians
  • reptiles
  • insects
  • Plant Foods
  • fruit
  • nectar
  • flowers
  • sap or other plant fluids


Due to their small size, mus­tached tamarins are vul­ner­a­ble to pre­da­tion by a large num­ber of ter­res­trial preda­tors, such as tayras (Eira bar­bara), ocelots (Leop­ar­dus pardalis), and jaguarundis (Puma yagouaroundi). Large snakes like Boa con­stric­tor and birds of prey are also im­por­tant preda­tors. (Over­sluijs Vasquez and Hey­mann, 2001)

Co­op­er­a­tive de­fense against preda­tors was ob­served in a tribe of mus­tached tamarins in north­east­ern Peru. Mem­bers of this tribe suc­cess­fully res­cued a mus­tached tamarin that was being at­tacked by a Boa con­stric­tor by counter-at­tack­ing the preda­tor. The tribe sub­se­quently avoided low heights for a week after the at­tack, as fur­ther de­ter­rence to at­tacks by snakes. (Tello, et al., 2002)

In gen­eral, mus­tached tamarins counter preda­tors by avoid­ing at­tract­ing at­ten­tion. Mus­tached tamarins are cam­ou­flaged in densely fo­li­ated areas and they care­fully se­lect rest­ing and sleep­ing sites that have lower chances of being ex­posed. They may also choose rest­ing sites that are phys­i­cally iso­lated from sur­round­ing veg­e­ta­tion, as this would in­crease the like­li­hood of them being able to de­tect ap­proach­ing preda­tors. (Smith, et al., 2007)

Ecosys­tem Roles

Mus­tached tamarins play an im­por­tant eco­log­i­cal role in their habi­tat by dis­pers­ing seeds of plant species in pri­mary and sec­ondary rain for­est, and thus in­di­rectly im­pact for­est re­gen­er­a­tion and main­te­nance. (Culot, et al., 2010)

As mus­tached tamarins are op­por­tunis­tic feed­ers and are able to ex­plore many kinds of plant re­sources, they are able to dis­perse a great va­ri­ety of seed species. (Her­rera, et al., 2003; Knogge and Hey­mann, 2003)

Due to their small size, there is a limit to the size of seeds that they can dis­perse. Sea­sonal changes in diet, sleep­ing and rest­ing pat­terns, and vari­a­tion in for­ag­ing be­hav­ior and mi­gra­tion may also af­fect their con­tri­bu­tion to seed dis­per­sal in the rain­for­est. (Muñoz Lazo, et al., 2011)

On a neg­a­tive note, mus­tached tamarins have been ob­served to be highly de­struc­tive in their nec­tar-feed­ing ac­tiv­i­ties but the wide­spread eco­log­i­cal im­pact of this has not been demon­strated. (Gar­ber, 1988b)

Mus­tached tamarins that for­aged near human set­tle­ments were found to have higher preva­lence of a pri­mate par­a­site, Pros­thenorchis el­e­gans. How­ever, in the same study by Wentz et al. (2010), mus­tached tamarins were not found to be in­fected by human par­a­sites even though they lived in close prox­im­ity to human com­mu­ni­ties with high rates of in­fes­ta­tion of ne­ma­todes such as As­caris lum­bri­coides and hook­worms. (Wenz, et al., 2010)

  • Ecosystem Impact
  • disperses seeds
Mu­tu­al­ist Species
Com­men­sal/Par­a­sitic Species
  • Pros­thenorchis el­e­gans

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Pos­i­tive

Sagui­nus mys­tax, like other tamarin species, has been used ex­ten­sively in bio­med­ical re­search, e.g., in the de­vel­op­ment of the he­pati­tis A vac­cine. (Ebert, et al., 1978)

  • Positive Impacts
  • research and education

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Neg­a­tive

Al­though com­men­sally as­so­ci­ated with human com­mu­ni­ties, there is no ev­i­dence for ad­verse eco­nomic ef­fects on hu­mans.

Con­ser­va­tion Sta­tus

Mus­tached tamarins are on the least con­cern list of an­i­mals on The IUCN Red List of Threat­ened Species (last as­sessed in 2008). Pop­u­la­tions of wild mus­tached tamarins have been noted to be sta­ble, al­though habi­tat de­struc­tion re­mains a threat to species liv­ing in the Ama­zon­ian rain­for­est. (Ry­lands and Mit­ter­meier, 2008)

The ef­fects of agri­cul­ture on S. mys­tax pop­u­la­tions in Peru have been stud­ied. Pop­u­la­tions re­cov­ered and even ex­ceeded pre-agri­cul­tural num­bers due to "in­creased re­pro­duc­tive rate, early breed­ing, and re­duced in­fant mor­tal­ity", while "im­mi­gra­tion seemed to play a minor role" (Ramirez, 1984, p. 258). (Glan­der, et al., 1984; Ramirez, 1984)

Other Com­ments

Ge­netic analy­sis sup­ports the di­vi­sion of tamarin taxa into small-bod­ied and large-bod­ied clades (Matauschek et al., 2011, p. 564), of which S. mys­tax is a mem­ber of the large-bod­ied clade. Mol­e­c­u­lar phy­lo­ge­netic ev­i­dence also sup­ports the “phyletic dwarfism” hy­poth­e­sis in Cal­litrichi­nae, which is "de­fined as a gra­di­ent in mor­pho­log­i­cal size par­tially cor­re­lated with evo­lu­tion­ary time" (Perel­man et al., 2011, p. 4). In this case, Sagui­nus is the first to di­verge, fol­lowed by the re­main­ing cal­litrichines in order of de­creas­ing body size. Within Sagui­nus, phy­lo­ge­netic analy­sis of mi­tochron­dr­ial DNA has demon­strated that Sagui­nus labi­a­tus is the clos­est rel­a­tive of S. mys­tax, with the two taxa di­verg­ing about 1.15 mya. (Matauschek, et al., 2011; Perel­man, et al., 2011; Tagliaro, et al., 2005)


Jayne Lim (au­thor), Yale Uni­ver­sity, Eric Sar­gis (ed­i­tor), Yale Uni­ver­sity, Tanya Dewey (ed­i­tor), Uni­ver­sity of Michi­gan-Ann Arbor.



living in the southern part of the New World. In other words, Central and South America.

World Map


uses sound to communicate


having coloration that serves a protective function for the animal, usually used to refer to animals with colors that warn predators of their toxicity. For example: animals with bright red or yellow coloration are often toxic or distasteful.


Referring to an animal that lives in trees; tree-climbing.

bilateral symmetry

having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Synapomorphy of the Bilateria.


uses smells or other chemicals to communicate

cooperative breeder

helpers provide assistance in raising young that are not their own


having markings, coloration, shapes, or other features that cause an animal to be camouflaged in its natural environment; being difficult to see or otherwise detect.

  1. active during the day, 2. lasting for one day.

animals that use metabolically generated heat to regulate body temperature independently of ambient temperature. Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities. Convergent in birds.

female parental care

parental care is carried out by females


union of egg and spermatozoan


offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes).

male parental care

parental care is carried out by males


having the capacity to move from one place to another.

native range

the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.


an animal that mainly eats all kinds of things, including plants and animals


Referring to a mating system in which a female mates with several males during one breeding season (compare polygynous).


the kind of polygamy in which a female pairs with several males, each of which also pairs with several different females.


having more than one female as a mate at one time


rainforests, both temperate and tropical, are dominated by trees often forming a closed canopy with little light reaching the ground. Epiphytes and climbing plants are also abundant. Precipitation is typically not limiting, but may be somewhat seasonal.

scent marks

communicates by producing scents from special gland(s) and placing them on a surface whether others can smell or taste them

seasonal breeding

breeding is confined to a particular season


remains in the same area


reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female


associates with others of its species; forms social groups.


uses touch to communicate


Living on the ground.


defends an area within the home range, occupied by a single animals or group of animals of the same species and held through overt defense, display, or advertisement


the region of the earth that surrounds the equator, from 23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south.


uses sight to communicate


reproduction in which fertilization and development take place within the female body and the developing embryo derives nourishment from the female.

young precocial

young are relatively well-developed when born


Achen­bach, G., C. Snow­don. 2002. Costs of Care­giv­ing: Weight Loss in Cap­tive Adult Male Cot­ton-Top Tamarins (Sagui­nus oedi­pus) Fol­low­ing the Birth of In­fants. In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 23/1: 1979-189.

Buchanan-Smith, H. 1990. Poly­spe­cific as­so­ci­a­tion of two tamarin species, Sagui­nus labi­a­tus and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis, in Bo­livia. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 22/3: 205-214.

Buchanan-Smith, H., S. Hardie, C. Car­eres, M. Prescott. 2000. Dis­tri­b­u­tion and for­est uti­liza­tion of Sagui­nus and other pri­mates of the Pando De­part­ment, North­ern Bo­livia. In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 21/3: 353-379.

Cesar, J., J. Bicca-Mar­ques. 1999. Hand spe­cial­iza­tion, sym­pa­try, and mixed-species as­so­ci­a­tions in cal­litrichines. Jour­nal of Human Evo­lu­tion, 36/4: 349-378.

Culot, L., Y. Lledo-Fer­rer, O. Hoelscher, F. Munoz-Lazo, M. Huy­nen, E. Hey­mann. 2011. Re­pro­duc­tive fail­ure, pos­si­ble ma­ter­nal in­fan­ti­cide, and can­ni­bal­ism in wild mous­tached tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax. Pri­mates, 52/2: 179-186.

Culot, L., F. Muñoz Lazo, M. Huy­nen, P. Poncin, E. Hey­mann. 2010. Sea­sonal vari­a­tion in seed dis­per­sal by tamarins al­ters seed rain in a sec­ondary rain for­est. In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 31/4: 553-569. Ac­cessed March 28, 2011 at http://​www.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​pmc/​articles/​PMC2890985/?​tool=pubmed.

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Gar­ber, P., J. Pruetz, J. Isaac­son. 1993. Pat­terns of range use, range de­fense, and in­ter­group spac­ing in mous­tached tamarin mon­keys (Sagui­nus mys­tax). Pri­mates, 34/1: 11-25.

Gar­ber, P. 1988. Diet, for­ag­ing pat­terns, and re­source de­fense in a mixed species troop of Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis in Ama­zon­ian Peru. Be­hav­ior, 105/1-2: 18-34. Ac­cessed March 28, 2011 at http://​www.​jstor.​org/​stable/​4534677.

Gar­ber, P. 1988. For­ag­ing De­ci­sions Dur­ing Nec­tar Feed­ing by Tamarin Mon­keys (Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis, Cal­litrichi­dae, Pri­mates) in Ama­zon­ian Peru. Biotrop­ica, 20: 100-106.

Gar­ber, P. 1997. One for all and breed­ing for one: Co­op­er­a­tion and com­pe­ti­tion as a tamarin re­pro­duc­tive strat­egy. Evo­lu­tion­ary An­thro­pol­ogy, 5/6: 187-199.

Gar­ber, P. 1989. Role of spa­tial mem­ory in pri­mate for­ag­ing pat­terns: Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 19/4: 203-216.

Gar­ber, P. 1992. Ver­ti­cal clin­ing, small body size, and the evo­lu­tion of feed­ing adap­ta­tions in the Cal­litrichi­nae. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Phys­i­cal An­thro­pol­ogy, 88: 469-482.

Gar­ber, P., F. En­car­na­cion, L. Moya, J. Pruetz. 1993. De­mo­graphic and re­pro­duc­tive pat­terns in mous­tached tamarin mon­keys (Sagui­nus mys­tax): Im­pli­ca­tions for re­con­struct­ing platyrrhine mat­ing sys­tems. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 29/4: 232-254.

Gar­ber, P., L. Moya, J. Pruetz, C. Ique. 1996. So­cial and sea­sonal in­flu­ences on re­pro­duc­tive bi­ol­ogy in male mous­tached tamarins (Sagui­nus mys­tax). Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 38/1: 29-46.

Gar­ber, P., M. Teaford. 1986. Body weights in mixed species troops of Sagui­nus mys­tax mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis ni­grifrons in Ama­zon­ian Peru. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Phys­i­cal An­thro­pol­ogy, 71/3: 331-336.

Glan­der, K., J. Tapia, A. Fachin. 1984. The im­pact of crop­ping on wild pop­u­la­tions of Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis in Peru. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 7/2: 89-97.

Goldizen, A. 1989. So­cial re­la­tion­ships in a co­op­er­a­tively polyan­drous group of tamarins (Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis). Be­hav­ioral Ecol­ogy and So­cio­bi­ol­ogy, 24/2: 79-89.

Her­rera, E., T. Franke, C. Knogge, J. Skra­bal, E. Hey­mann. 2003. Flower and Fruit Vis­i­tors of Mar­c­gravia longi­fo­lia in Ama­zon­ian Peru. Plant Bi­ol­ogy, 5/2: 210-214.

Her­rera, E., C. Knogge, E. Hey­mann. 2000. In­fan­ti­cide in a group of wild sad­dle-back tamarins, Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 50/2: 153-157.

Hey­mann, E. 1998. Sex Dif­fer­ences in Ol­fac­tory Com­mu­ni­ca­tion in a Pri­mate, the Mous­tached Tamarin, Sagui­nus mys­tax (Cal­litrichi­nae). Behav Ecol So­cio­biol, 43/1: 37-45.

Hey­mann, E. 1996. So­cial be­hav­ior of wild mous­tached tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax, at the Estación Biológica Que­brada Blanco, Pe­ru­vian Ama­zo­nia. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 38/1: 101-113.

Hey­mann, E., G. Hart­mann. 1991. Geophagy in mous­tached tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax (platyrrhini: Cal­litrichi­dae), at the Río Blanco, Pe­ru­vian Ama­zo­nia. Pri­mates, 32/4: 533-537.

Hey­mann, E., C. Knogge, E. Tirado Her­rera. 2000. Ver­te­brate pre­da­tion by sym­patric tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 51/2: 153-158.

Hey­mann, E. 2001. In­ter­spe­cific vari­a­tion of scent-mark­ing be­hav­ior in wild tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis. Folia Pri­ma­to­log­ica, 72: 253-267.

Hey­mann, E. 2000. Spa­tial pat­terns of scent mark­ing in wild mous­tached tamarin, Sagui­nus mys­tax: no ev­i­dence for a ter­ri­to­r­ial func­tion. An­i­mal Be­hav­iour, 60: 723-730.

Hey­mann, E., A. Smith. 1999. When to feed on gums: Tem­po­ral pat­terns of gum­mivory in wild tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis (Cal­litrichi­nae). Zoo Bi­ol­ogy, 18/6: 451-471.

Huck, M., P. Lot­tker, E. Hey­mann. 2004. Prox­i­mate mech­a­nisms of re­pro­duc­tive mo­nop­o­liza­tion in male mous­tached tamarins (Sagui­nus mys­tax). Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 64/1: 39-56.

Huck, M., C. Roos, E. Hey­mann. 2007. Spa­tio-ge­netic pop­u­la­tion struc­ture in mus­tached tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Phys­i­cal An­thro­pol­ogy, 132/4: 576-583.

Huck, M., P. Löttker, U. Böhle, E. Hey­mann. 2005. Pa­ter­nity and kin­ship pat­terns in polyan­drous mous­tached tamarins (Sagui­nus mys­tax). Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Phys­i­cal An­thro­pol­ogy, 127: 449-464.

Knogge, C., E. Hey­mann. 2003. Seed dis­per­sal by sym­patric tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis: Di­ver­sity and char­ac­ter­is­tics of plant species. Folia Pri­ma­to­log­ica, 74: 33-47.

Lazaro-Perea, C., C. Snow­don, M. Ar­ruda. 1999. Scent-Mark­ing Be­hav­ior in Wild Groups of Com­mon Mar­mosets (Cal­lithrix jac­chus). Behav Ecol So­cio­biol, 46/5: 313-324.

Löttker, P., M. Huck, E. Hey­mann. 2004. De­mo­graphic pa­ra­me­ters and events in wild mous­tached tamarins (Sagui­nus mys­tax). Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 64/4: 425-49..

Löttker, P., M. Huck, D. Zin­ner, E. Hey­mann. 2007. Groom­ing re­la­tion­ships be­tween breed­ing fe­males and adult group mem­bers in co­op­er­a­tively breed­ing mous­tached tamarins (Sagui­nus mys­tax). Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 69/10: 1159-1172.

Matauschek, C., C. Roos, E. Hey­mann. 2011. Mi­tochron­dr­ial phy­logeny of tamarins (Sagui­nus, Hoff­mannsegg 1807) with tax­o­nomic and bio­geo­graphic im­pli­ca­tions for the S. ni­gri­col­lis species group. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Phys­i­cal An­thro­pol­ogy, 144: 564-574.

Muñoz Lazo, F., L. Culot, M. Huy­nen, E. Hey­mann. 2011. Ef­fect of rest­ing pat­terns of tamarins (Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis and Sagui­nus mys­tax) on the spa­tial dis­tri­b­u­tion of seeds and seedling re­cruit­ment. In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 32/1: 223-237.

Nad­jafzadeh, M., E. Hey­mann. 2008. Prey for­ag­ing of red titi mon­keys, Cal­lice­bus cupreus, in com­par­i­son to sym­patric tamarins, Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Phys­i­cal An­thro­pol­ogy, 135/1: 56-63.

Nor­conk, M. 1990. Mech­a­nisms pro­mot­ing sta­bil­ity in mixed Sagui­nus mys­tax and S. fus­ci­col­lis troops. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 21/2: 159-170.

Nyakatura, J., E. Hey­mann. 2010. Ef­fects of sup­port size and ori­en­ta­tion on sym­met­ric gaits in free-rang­ing tamarins of Ama­zon­ian Peru: im­pli­ca­tions for the func­tional sig­nif­i­cance of pri­mate gait se­quence pat­terns. Jour­nal of Human Evo­lu­tion, 58: 242-251.

Over­sluijs Vasquez, M., E. Hey­mann. 2001. Crested eagle (Mor­phnus guia­nen­sis) pre­da­tion on in­fant tamarins (Sagui­nus mys­tax and Sagui­nus fus­ci­col­lis, Cal­litrichi­nae). Folia Pri­ma­tol (Basel), 72/5: 301-303.

Perel­man, P., W. John­son, C. Roos, H. Seuanez, J. Hor­vath, M. Mor­eira, B. Kess­ing. 2011. A mol­e­c­u­lar phy­logeny of liv­ing pri­mates. PLoS Genet, 7/3: e1001342.

Ramirez, M. 1984. Pop­u­la­tion re­cov­ery in the mous­tached tamarin (Sagui­nus mys­tax): Man­age­ment strate­gies and mech­a­nisms of re­cov­ery. Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 7/3: 245-259.

Ry­lands, A., R. Mit­ter­meier. 2008. "Sagui­nus mys­tax. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threat­ened Species. Ver­sion 2010.4." (On-line). Ac­cessed April 24, 2011 at http://​www.​iucnredlist.​org.

Sanchez, S., F. Pelaez, A. Fi­dalgo, A. Mor­cillo, J. Ca­p­eros. 2008. Changes in body mass of ex­pec­tant male cot­ton-top tamarins (Sagui­nus oedi­pus). Folia Pri­ma­tol (Basel), 79/6: 458-462.

Sanchez, S., F. Pelaez, A. Mor­cillo, C. Gil-Bur­mann. 2005. Ef­fect of the en­clo­sure on car­ri­ers' body weight loss in the cot­ton-top tamarin (Sagui­nus oedi­pus). Amer­i­can Jour­nal of Pri­ma­tol­ogy, 66/3: 279-284.

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