Amblyrhynchus cristatusMarine Iguana

Ge­o­graphic Range

The ma­rine iguana in­hab­its the Gala­pa­gos Is­lands which form an arch­i­pel­ago off the coast of South Amer­ica. The vol­canic Gala­pa­gos has never been at­tached to an­other land mass so it is be­lieved that igua­nas rafted over water from South Amer­ica (Cog­ger and Zweifel 1998). Some re­searchers be­lieve that the land igua­nas and the ma­rine iguana di­verged from a com­mon an­ces­tor at least 10 MY on the for­mer is­lands of the arch­i­pel­ago which are now below sea level (Rass­mann et. al. 1997).


The ma­rine iguana is found on the vol­canic is­lands of the Gala­pa­gos. Many of the is­lands have steep rock cliffs, low rock ledges and in­ter­tidal flats. A. crista­tus needs ac­cess to the ocean and a sandy area to lay eggs. They evolved in a habi­tat that is lim­ited in preda­tors. On Santa Fe an is­land in the Gala­pa­gos the preda­tor are hawks, short-eared owls, snakes, hawk-fish, and crabs. With so few nat­ural preda­tors the ma­rine iguana is very vul­ner­a­ble to feral preda­tors such as rats, dogs and cats. The feral an­i­mals can af­fect egg sur­vival and adult mor­tal­ity. Fe­males are es­pe­cially at risk of pre­da­tion when going to the open nest­ing areas.

Phys­i­cal De­scrip­tion

Am­bly­hynchus crista­tus is a grey to black iguana with pyra­mid-shaped dor­sal scales. They have shorter more blunt snouts than land igua­nas, and they have a slightly lat­er­ally com­pressed tail. The young have a lighter color dor­sal stripe (Rass­mann et. al. 1997).


Males de­fend mat­ing ter­ri­to­ries dur­ing the three-month an­nual breed­ing sea­son. Fe­males lay one to six eggs in bur­rows dug 30 to 80 cm deep. The eggs are laid in sand or vol­canic ash up to 300m or more in­land. Fe­males guard the bur­row for sev­eral days then leave the eggs to fin­ish in­cu­ba­tion, which is ap­prox­i­mately 95 days. Nest­ing months are Jan­u­ary through April de­pend­ing on the is­land.



Am­blyrhynchus crista­tus faces a ther­moreg­u­la­tion dilemma. The ocean wa­ters that it re­lies on for food are very cold and since rep­tiles do not have the abil­ity to reg­u­late their body tem­per­a­tures phys­i­o­log­i­cally, they must bask in the sun­light to warm up. At low tem­per­a­tures the abil­ity of these an­i­mals to move ef­fec­tively is re­duced and they are vul­ner­a­ble to pre­da­tion. The ma­rine iguana be­hav­io­r­i­ally com­pen­sates for its in­abil­ity to move ef­fec­tively. At low tem­per­a­tures lizards are often highly ag­gres­sive, re­ly­ing on less en­er­get­i­cally ex­pen­sive bluffs or bites than es­cape. The dark color of the ma­rine iguana aids in heat re­ab­sorb­tion and males can change to full breed­ing dress for rapid re-warm­ing (Cog­ger and Zweifel 1998). Hy­bridiza­tion be­tween the Gala­pa­gos land and ma­rine igua­nas have been doc­u­mented on Plaza Sur. DNA ev­i­dence sug­gests that hy­bridiza­tion is not com­mon but pos­si­ble (Rass­mann et. al. 1997).

Food Habits

The ma­rine iguana feed al­most ex­clu­sively on ma­rine algae (Cog­ger and Zweifel 1998). Larger mem­bers of the species feed more often by div­ing at high tide while smaller an­i­mals are re­stricted to in­ter­tidal feed­ing at low tide (Lau­rie and Brown II 1990). A major change in the ma­rine algal flora oc­curred be­tween No­vem­ber 1982 and July 1983. This co­in­cided with ab­nor­mally high rain­fall, sea level, and sea sur­face tem­per­a­tures as­so­ci­ated with El Nino-South­ern Os­cil­la­tion Event (ENSO). ENSO events are de­scribed as a mass of low-salin­ity nu­tri­ent-poor sur­face water mov­ing south in the east­ern trop­i­cal pa­cific. This causes a de­crease in bi­o­log­i­cal pro­duc­tiv­ity and de­creases sur­vival and re­pro­duc­tion of an­i­mals de­pen­dant on the ef­fected ecosys­tem. This was fol­lowed by un­usu­ally high mor­tal­ity of maine igua­nas (Lau­rie and Brown II 1990).

Eco­nomic Im­por­tance for Hu­mans: Pos­i­tive

The ma­rine iguana does not af­fect hu­mans be­cause hu­mans do not in­habit most of the is­lands they live on. The main food for the ma­rine iguana is algae and that is not re­source we com­pete for ei­ther.

Con­ser­va­tion Sta­tus

It is im­por­tant to con­serve the bio­di­ver­sity of the ma­rine iguana be­cause it is a unique and in­ter­est­ing an­i­mal. It is nec­es­sary to pro­tect their is­land refuges from feral pests and human ex­ploita­tion be­cause they are long lived an­i­mals that can not sus­tain added mor­tal­ity.

Other Com­ments

The ma­rine iguana has filled an in­ter­est­ing niche that no other liv­ing lizard does. It de­pends on the ma­rine en­vi­ron­ment. To rid it­self of the salt con­sumed while eat­ing, A. crista­tus ex­cretes con­cen­trated salt crys­tals from a nasal gland. The ma­rine iguana reg­u­lates its body tem­per­a­ture by al­ter­nat­ing from cold ocean water to bask­ing on rocks near shore.


Kristi Roy (au­thor), Michi­gan State Uni­ver­sity, James Hard­ing (ed­i­tor), Michi­gan State Uni­ver­sity.


native range

the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.

oceanic islands

islands that are not part of continental shelf areas, they are not, and have never been, connected to a continental land mass, most typically these are volcanic islands.


Cog­ger, H., R. Zweifel. 1998. En­cy­clo­pe­dia of Rep­tiles and Am­phib­ians. San Diego, CA: Aca­d­e­mic Press.

In­di­viglio, F. 1997. Newts and Sala­man­ders. Haup­pauge, NY: Bar­ron's Ed­u­ca­tional Se­ries.

Lau­rie, W. 1990. Pop­u­la­tion Bi­ol­ogy of Ma­rine Igua­nas I. Changes in Fe­cun­dity Re­lated to a Pop­u­la­tion Crash. Jour­nal of An­i­mal Ecol­ogy, 59: 515-528.

Lau­rie, W., D. Brown. 1990. Phop­u­la­tion Bi­ol­ogy of Ma­rine Igua­nas III. Fac­tors Af­fect­ing Sur­vival. Jour­nal of An­i­mal Ecol­ogy, 59: 545-568.

Lau­rie, W., D. Brown. 1990. Pop­u­la­tion Bi­ol­ogy of Ma­rine Igua­nas II. Changes in An­nual Sur­vival Rates and the Ef­fects of Size, Sex, Age, and Fe­cun­dity in a Pop­u­la­tion Crash. Jour­nal of An­i­mal Ecol­ogy, 59: 529-544.

Rass­mann, K., F. Trillmich, D. Tautz. 1997. Hy­bridiza­tion be­tween the Gala­pa­gos land and ma­rine iguana on Plaza Sur. Jour­nal of Zo­ol­ogy Lon­don, 242: 729-739.