Entire third appendage forms jaws. Synapomorphy of the Insecta+Myriapoda.
A shallow, usually sharply defined depression in a desert region, frequently comprising a bed or valley of a stream that is usually dry except during the rainy season and that often forms an oasis.
A maze of passageways.
A term applied to certain species of wild pigs. The warty pigs are so-called because the adult males typically develop three pairs of warts: on the cheek swellings, on the jaw angle, and above the canine root flanges.
A network of ducts filled with water that is used to move echinoderm tentacles and tubefeet via changes in water pressure. Synapomorphy of the Helicoplacopids+Camptostromata+Crinoidea+Asteroidea+Ophiuroidea+Echinoidea+Holothuroidea.
The time when a young animal stops nursing and begins utilizing other food.
lowland areas satured with water, characterized by low soil oxygen.